
Daljinsko krmiljena vtičnica z vmesnikom Bluetooth
ID ZELENŠEK, PRIMOŽ (Author), ID Trost, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: B74BEAA96C73F011AEF401EC2ECA82E8
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/5bcb266c-7f0c-40d9-836b-e0d2ad16dbae

V nalogi sem naredil zasnovo in izdelal “Daljinsko krmiljeno vtičnico z vmesnikom Bluetooth”. Vtičnico lahko vstavimo v vse šuko vtičnice in nadomešča analogno časovno nastavljivo vtičnico s stikalom. Namen vtičnice je, da deluje kot pametno stikalo z različnimi funkcijami nastavitev. Krmilimo jo brezžično s pametnim mobilnikom oz. z iOS aplikacijo, narejeno prav zanjo. Naredil sem vezje in ga namestil v vtični modul. Spisal sem program za Bluetooth modul BLE112. Osnovne funkcije pametne vtičnice so: 24 urna časovna nastavitev s 15 minutnimi intervali vklopa in izklopa, vklop in izklop glede na nastavljeno temperaturo v prostoru, vklop in izklop ambientalne razsvetljave in pa preprost vklop in izklop. Vtičnica ima vgrajeno realno uro, kar pomeni, da lahko deluje popolnoma avtonomno od aplikacije, seveda, ko jo enkrat nastavimo.

Keywords:iOS, Bluetooth Low Energy, Bluetooth, pametna vtičnica, mobilnik, iPhone, BLE112
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-84954 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2016
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Title:Remotely controlled socket with Bluetooth interface
In my thesis I designed and made “Remotely controlled socket with Bluetooth interface”. The socket is made for all grounded sockets and replaces analogue time switches for sockets. The purpose of the socket is to act as a smart switch with various settings. It is controlled wirelessly with a smart phone, with an iOS app designed specifically for that purpose. I made the circuit and installed the plug-in module as well as wrote the program for the Bluetooth module BLE112 and made the iOS application. The basic functions of the smart socket are: on and off switch, its function can be set for 24 hours with 15 minute intervals for activation and deactivation, turning on or off depending on the set temperature in the room, it can turn on or turn off ambient lighting. The socket has a built-in real-time clock which means, once set, it can operate completely independently of the application.

Keywords:iOS, Bluetooth Low Energy, Bluetooth, smart socket, smart phone, iPhone, BLE112.

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