
Merjenje razdalje z laserjem
ID ŠTOJS, JURE (Author), ID Trost, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 7C7987C8F613D2EBF7A6FF55CA7751CA
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/7f55cc35-0124-49ee-9cdb-3be3d9fb893b

V diplomski nalogi je opisana teorija merjenja razdalje z laserjem. Opisani so sklopi, ki jih mora vsebovati vsak merilnik. Nato sta podrobno predstavljena dva principa merjenja. Pri obeh principih je tudi primer sheme, predstavljene pa so tudi prednosti in slabosti obeh principov. Po obdelavi teorije se lotim izdelave svojega merilnika razdalje, katerega glavni del je pretvornik časa v analogno vrednost. Podrobno predstavim celoten razvoj merilnika, od prvotne ideje do izdelave končnega izdelka. Zaradi problemov s pretvornikom časa v analogno vrednost izdelam še merilnik na principu merjenja količine odbite svetlobe. Končni rezultat je obdelana teorija merjenja razdalje z laserjem, ki je potrebna za izdelavo merilnika in delujoč merilnik.

Keywords:laserski merilnik razdalje, teorija merjenja razdalje z laserjem
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-84925 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Distance measurement with laser
The thesis presents the theory about the distance measuring with laser. It presents the basic parts that must be incorporated into each rangefinder. In the continuation follow descriptions of two principles of distance measurement. Both principles include schematic examples together with the description of pros and cons of each principle. The second part of the thesis is about my own laser rangefinder. The central part is about the time to analog value converter. Here I am explaining in detail the development of the device from the initial idea to the end product. Additionaly, due to the problems with the time to analog value converter that I encountered, I also had to make a distance measurement device working on the principle of measuring the amount of reflected light. My aim was to make and present a thorough theory of distance measuring with laser, necessary for the development of my own measurement device and for an appropriate prototype of a distance measurement device. I think I have achieved this aim.

Keywords:laser rangefinder, theory of measuring distance with laser

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