
Obvladovanje poslovno-informacijske arhitekture na področju direktnih obremenitev SEPA v banki
ID LIPOVŠEK, TOMAŽ (Author), ID Krisper, Marjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 5EED367CE7F46E347BF658DAC570D62C
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/6743e95e-7a0f-4b3a-8263-60296361cc51

Poslovno-informacijska arhitektura (PIA) je v sedanjem času osnova, ki omogoča uspešno obvladovanje kompleksnih poslovnih sistemov, med katere štejemo tudi bančne informacijske sisteme. V Sloveniji, kot tudi drugod, je pojem poslovno-informacijske arhitekture v bančnih informacijskih sistemih še tako rekoč neznanka. Banke bodo morale, če bodo želele obvladovati svoj poslovni sistem in zmanjševati stroške, začeti postavljati temelje, ki jih poslovno-informacijska arhitektura tudi predstavlja. Eno izmed novih poslovnih področij, ki se stalno dopolnjuje in širi v bančnem poslovanju, je področje SEPA. Del področja SEPA predstavljajo SEPA direktne obremenitve (SDD). Nalogi SDD predstavljajo plačilno storitev, pri kateri prejemnik plačila na podlagi soglasja odredi plačilno transakcijo za obremenitev plačnikovega računa. Gre za področje procesiranja, ki ni omejeno na nacionalno raven in je enotno za celotno SEPA EU območje. Pričujoče magistrsko delo v uvodnem delu predstavi kratek vpogled v poslovno-informacijsko arhitekturo ter različne vidike in poglede na omenjeno področje. V nadaljevanju je podrobneje predstavljeno ogrodje ArchiMate, s katerim je bila tudi izvedena študija primera na področju SEPA direktnih obremenitev. Na kratko je prikazana možnost integracije izdelanih modelov z modeli modeliranja poslovnih procesov (BPMN) ter UML. V zadnjem delu predstavimo vrsto modelov poslovno-informacijske arhitekture, ki smo jih izdelali za omenjeno področje. Analizirali smo akterje in pričeli postavljati poslovno-informacijsko arhitekturo. Modeli so izdelani za vse tri vidike, definirane v ogrodju: poslovni, aplikativni in tehnološki. Skozi modeliranje smo postavljali tudi osnovo za razširitev še na ostala področja poslovanja. Modelirali smo v orodju Archi in ogrodju ArchiMate, ker je v tem trenutku najmodernejši. Izdelana študija primera in prikaz koncepta nam je potrdil, da je področje kompleksno in da izdelani modeli niso sami sebi namen, ampak skozi različne zorne kote pripomorejo posameznim akterjem, da se zavedajo svojega vpliva na poslovanje. Izdelani modeli omogočajo banki, da se hitreje odzove na spremembe na trgu, predvsem v smislu vpliva sprememb na obstoječe stanje. Pri aplikativnih vidikih smo prikazali, kako lahko modeli služijo tudi za analizo učinkovitosti obstoječega bančnega informacijskega sistema. Prikazali smo tehniko analitskih vzorcev ter predloge, kako na enostaven način izboljšamo informacijski sistem. Z izdelanimi modeli je bil postavljen koncept, ki lahko služi kot osnova za razširitev na celotni bančni poslovni sistem.

Keywords:poslovno-informacijska arhitektura, ogrodje poslovno-informacijske arhitekture, ArchiMate, Archi, SEPA, SEPA direktne obremenitve, banka, bančni poslovni in informacijski sistem
Work type:Master's thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-84838 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Management of enterprise architecture in the field of SEPA direct debit in a bank
Nowadays the enterprise architecture (EA) presents the foundation for a successful management of complex business systems, of which also the bank information systems are a part of. The concepts of business and IT architectures in banking IT systems are a novelty in Slovenia, as well as in other countries. In order to manage their business systems and reduce system costs, banks will have to begin laying foundations represented by the business IT architecture. One of the new areas constantly expanding in banking is the SEPA area. A part of the SEPA area is represented by the SEPA Direct Debit (SDD). The SDD orders are a payment service, in which the payee orders a payment transaction to be debited to their account on the basis of a predetermined consensus with the payer. This area of processing is not limited to the national level and is uniform in the entire SEPA EU area. The introductory part of the thesis presents a brief insight into the EA methodology and describes various aspects and perspectives of the researched field. Also, a detailed description of the methodology and the framework ArchiMate is included, with which the case study in the field of SEPA direct debits was carried out. Briefly, a possible integration of the designed models with the models of business process modelling (BPMN) and UML is discussed. In the last part of the thesis, the variety of EA models designed especially for this particular field is presented. The actors have been analyzed and consequently the business-IT architecture has begun to show its shape. The models have been applied to the three areas of the used methodology: business, application and technology. During the modelling stage, the basis for further extensions to other areas of business have been laid. The models were modelled in the tool Archi and the framework ArchiMate, the latter being the most modern at this moment. With the constructed case study and the concept presentation we confirmed the complexity of the field, and that the designed models are not an end in themselves, but help showcase different aspects to individual actors, and enable them to be aware of their impact on the business. The designed models allow the bank to react more quickly to the market changes, they especially enhance their ability to affect the changes in the current situation. Application-wise, the developed models can serve as a tool, with which the existing banking IT systems may be analyzed in terms of their efficiency. Also, the analytical technique is described, and suggestions for a more effective and simpler IT system are provided. With the developed models we built concept that can serve as a basis for an extension to the entire banking system.

Keywords:enterprise architecture, enterprise framework, ArchiMate, Archi, SEPA, SEPA direct debits, bank, banking business system, banking information system

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