
Predstave predšolskih otrok o volku
ID Koritnik, Jolanda (Author), ID Kos, Marjanca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3667/ This link opens in a new window

Otrok začne že v zgodnjem otroštvu pridobivati znanje o naravi in razvijati odnos do nje. Od začetnih intuitivnih predstav postopoma prehaja do naravoslovnega znanja, ki ga izgrajuje predvsem na podlagi neposrednih izkušenj in lastne aktivnosti, nanj pa poleg staršev in vzgojiteljev vplivajo tudi mediji in literatura. V predhodni raziskavi o predsodkih predšolskih otrok do živali je večina otrok na vprašanje, katere živali se najbolj bojijo, izjavila, da je to volk. To dejstvo nakazuje, da imajo predšolski otroci o volku večinoma napačne predstave. Volk je žival, s katero se zaradi njenega načina življenja in njene razširjenosti ne morejo srečevati in pridobivati realnih izkušenj o njej. Predvidevamo, da volka poznajo v pretežni meri iz pravljic, zgodb in risank, v katerih je volku pripisana izrazito negativna vloga, in da so od odraslih o tej živali prejeli neko stereotipno negativno predstavo. Naravoslovna resnica pa je ta, da je volk za delovanje gozdnega ekosistema zelo pomembna žival, ki s svojim selektivnim plenilskim načinom prehranjevanja uravnava velikost populacije rastlinojedcev. Za človeka je nenevaren, saj se stiku z njim izogiba. Cilj moje diplomske naloge je bil raziskati, kakšne predstave o volku imajo od 3 do4 leta stari otroci ter jim ob dejavnostih, v katerih bi to žival spoznavali na čim bolj aktiven način, omogočiti, da si o volku ustvarijo realno predstavo in do te živali oblikujejo pozitiven odnos. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 40 otrok, starih od 3 do 4 leta. V vsaki skupini (raziskovalni in kontrolni) je bilo dvajset otrok. Začetne predstave sem raziskovala z individualnimi polstrukturiranimi intervjuji, ki sem jih izvedla z otroki obeh skupin. Vprašanja so se nanašala na telesne značilnosti volka, njegove vedenjske lastnosti, razširjenost in življenjski prostor, potencialno nevarnost za človeka in odnos do te živali. Z otroki eksperimentalne skupine sem nato izvedla projekt, v katerem so otroci s čim več neposrednimi izkušnjami aktivno pridobivali znanje o volku. Po izvedenih dejavnostih sem nato v obeh skupinah ponovno izvedla intervjuje z istimi vprašanji kot jih je vseboval začetni intervju. S primerjavo rezultatov sem zaključila, ali obstajajo razlike med eksperimentalno in kontrolno skupino, ter na podlagi tega sklepala, kako so izvedene dejavnosti vplivale na predstave otrok o volku in njihov odnos do te živali. Rezultati začetnih intervjujev so pokazali, da so bile začetne predstave otrok večinoma neustrezne, saj so temeljile na predstavah, ki vključujejo stereotipe. Iz izjav otrok je bilo razbrati, da je njihov odnos do te živali večinoma negativen in da volka doživljajo kot človeku nevarno žival. Po izvedenih dejavnostih v eksperimentalni skupini pa je velika večina otrok te skupine o volku pridobila ustrezne predstave in pozitiven odnos. Primerjava rezultatov s kontrolno skupini je pokazala, da so imele izvedene dejavnosti pomemben vpliv na oblikovanje novih predstav o volku. Neznanje, prepleteno s stereotipi, je v preteklosti botrovalo skorajšnjemu iztrebljenju volka. Takšno ravnanje pomeni nevarnost rušenja naravnega ravnovesja gozdnega ekosistema. Možnost sobivanja človeka in volka je možna le, če so ljudje ozaveščeni o njegovi pomembnosti za naravo. Z izobraževanjem o tem je potrebno pričeti že v predšolskem obdobju in v nasprotju z množico pravljic, zgodb, pesmi in risank, ki vsiljujejo stereotipno podobo o volku, otrokom ponuditi možnost, da spoznajo tudi naravoslovno resnico o tej živali.

Keywords:predšolski otrok
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-84836 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11136585 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.09.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Pre-school children ideas about wolf
Children start at an early age to acquire knowledge about nature and develop a relationship to it. From the initial intuitive conceptions they gradually move to scientific knowledge, which they build mainly based on direct experience and their own activities. Beside parents and educators, they are also influenced by the media and literature. In the preliminary study on the prejudices of children to animals, most of the children said they are mainly afraid of a wolf. This fact suggests that there are misconceptions the children have of the wolf. The wolf is an animal which, due to its lifestyle and its distribution, the children cannot meet and gain real experience of it. We assume that the wolf is familiar to them mainly from fairy tales, stories and cartoons, where the wolf is attributed to highly negative role, and that they receive a stereotypically negative conception from the adults. Scientific truth is that the wolf is a very important animal for the functioning of the forest ecosystem. With its selective predatory diet, it regulates the size of the population of herbivores. It is harmless for the people, because it avoids contact with them. The aim of my thesis is to examine what kind of conceptions the 3-4-year-old children have and provide them with the activities through which they would learn about this animal in the most active way possible. In this way they would create a realistic picture and create a positive attitude to it. The study includes 40 children aged 3 to 4 years. In each group (research and control) there are twenty children. In the beginning, I carried out individual semi-structured interviews that I conducted with the two groups of children. Questions were related to the physical characteristics of a wolf, its behavioral characteristics, distribution and habitat, potential danger to humans and the attitude towards this animal. The children in the experimental group were then involved in a project, where they directly experienced the acquired knowledge of a wolf. After completing the activities, I again carried out interviews with the same issues as those contained in the initial interview in both groups. By comparing the results, I concluded that there are differences between the experimental and control group. On this basis I concluded how the activities affected the conception and their attitude towards this animal. The results of the initial interviews show that the initial conceptions of children are mostly inadequate, because they are based on stereotypes. From the statements of the children, it is deduced that their relationship with these animals is mainly negative and that wolves are seen as animala, dangerous to human beings. After the activities, carried out in the experimental group, the vast majority of children in this group of wolf obtain adequate conceptions and positive attitude. Comparison of the results with the control group shows that the activities have crucial impact to the creation of new conceptions of the wolf. Ignorance, intertwined with stereotypes, had in the past provoked to the impending extermination of wolves. Such conduct means a risk of upsetting the natural balance of the forest ecosystem. The possibility of coexistence of man and wolf is only possible if people are aware of its importance for nature. There is the need to start the education in the pre-school period and, in contrast to the multitude of fairy tales, stories, poems and cartoons that enforce the stereotypical image of the wolf, we need to offer children the opportunity to learn about the science truth of these animals.


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