
Uporaba poenostavljenih metod za račun valov vsled porušitev pregrad : diplomska naloga
ID Umek, Andrej (Author), ID Četina, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi so s poenostavljenimi metodami preračunani parametri porušitvenih valov, za izbrane pregrade, za katere obstajajo računi porušitvenih valov s polnimi St.Venant-ovimi enačbami. Na kratko so najprej predstavljene metode in rezultati računov porušitvenih valov s polnimi St. Venantov-imi enačbami za izbrane pregrade, ki bodo služili za nadaljnjo primerjavo. V nadaljevanju je nato opisana poenostavljena metoda za računanje porušitvenih valov. Metoda vsebuje brezdimenzijske koeficiente in dva nomograma, s katerima določimo tri vrednosti. Te vrednosti so največji pretok na pregradi ter čas in razdalja, ko se pretok porušitvenega vala zmanjša na polovično vrednost glede na vrednost največjega pretoka na pregradi ob porušitvi. Pred izračunom so opisane metode in problematika določevanja vhodnih podatkov, ki so potrebni za izračun. V osrednjem delu diplomske naloge so izvedeni izračuni parametrov porušitvenih valov. Rezultate, dobljene s poenostavljenimi metodami, smo primerjali z rezultati, dobljenimi s polnimi St.Venant-ovimi enačbami. Na osnovi opravljene analize odstopanj med obema metodama smo ocenili točnost poenostavljenih metod in njihovo uporabnost za račun porušitvenih valov v hidrotehnični praksi.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, diplomska naloga, UNI, VKI, zemeljska pregrada, porušitev pregrade, porušitveni valovi, pretok, St.Venant-ove enačbe, poenostavljena metoda brezdimenzijskih koeficientov, Vogršček, Vanganel, Loče
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Umek]
Number of pages:XVI, 72 str., 19 pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-84788 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7632737 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.10.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Application of simplified methods for dam-break waves computation
The thesis uses the simplified methods for calculating the dam-break wave parameters for selected dams, for which the dam-break wave calculations with the full Saint-Venant equations also exist. First, the methods and the results of the dam-break wave calculations with the full Saint-Venant equations for selected dams are briefly presented. They will serve as a basis for further comparison. Then, the simplified method for calculating the dam-break waves is presented. This method contains dimensionless coefficients and two nomograms for determining three values. These values are the maximum flow at the dam, the time, and the distance, when the flow of the dam-break wave is reduced to half the value by reference to the value of the maximum flow at the dam at the time of the dam break. The methods and the problem of determining the input data needed for the calculation are described, followed by the calculation itself. The calculations of the dam-break wave parameters can be found in the main part of the thesis. The results derived from the simplified methods were compared to the results derived from the full Saint-Venant equations. The analysis of the deviations between the methods served as a basis for evaluating the accuracy of the simplified methods and their usefulness in the dam-break wave calculation in the hydraulic engineering practice.

Keywords:graduation thesis, civil engineering, earth dam, dam failure, dam-break wave, flow, St.Venant 's equations, simplified method of dimensionless coefficients, Vogršček, Vanganel, Loče

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