
Integracija plačilnega sistema s portalom za izdajo licenc
ID Novak, Matic (Author), ID Lavbič, Dejan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: D07CC217A313E439365D98D5B29F68D8
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/639a8a96-2246-4fda-824b-b53bc294785b

Sodobni informacijski sistemi stremijo k medsebojni integraciji, rezultat le-te pa so avtomatizirani procesi. V poslovnem svetu odražajo boljšo učinkovitost znotraj organizacij, strankam pa omogočajo boljšo uporabniško izkušnjo. Namen diplomskega dela je implementacija komunikacije med portalom za izdajo licenc in spletnim plačilnim sistemom. Tako se bomo znebili nepotrebnega čakanja na administrativnega delavca, ki ročno izdaja licence, hkrati pa bomo preprečili napake pri ročnem vnosu. V prvem delu bomo analizirali spletne plačilne sisteme in predstavili odločitveni model, s pomočjo katerega smo izbrali najustreznejšega. Podrobneje bomo predstavili portal za izdajo licenc, kjer se beležijo vsi podatki o prodajalcih, kupcih, naročilih in licenčnih številkah. V osrednjem delu bomo prikazali prenovo obstoječega poslovnega procesa in implementacijo komunikacije med obema sistemoma. Skozi celoten proces izdaje licenčnih številk imamo opravka z zaupnimi podatki, zato na koncu sledi poglavje o tem, kako smo poskrbeli za zaščito in varnost.

Keywords:integracija, prenova poslovnega procesa, plačilni sistem, licenčna številka, spletna storitev, programska oprema, varnost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-84707 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2016
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Title:The integration of the payment system and a license issuing platform
Modern information systems aim to mutual integration which results in automated processes. In the business world they reflect better effectiveness inside the organizations and enable clients to have better user experience. The goal of this thesis is the implementation of communication between the license issuing platform and online payment system. These processes help to get rid of typos and the annoying wait for issuing the licences on hand. In the first part we will analyze online payment systems and present the model that we used for choosing the most appropriate one. We will present the license issuing platform where all the data about salesmen, buyers, orders and licence numbers is being kept. We will also show business process reengineering and implementation of communication between both of the systems. Through the whole process of issuing licence numbers we have to deal with confidential data that is why there is a chapter about security and safety at the end.

Keywords:integration, business process renovation, payment system, license number, web service, software, security

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