
Reorganizacija skrbništva vsebin na intranetu v podjetju
ID Vidmar, Boštjan (Author), ID Zrnec, Aljaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 7924A8C1233798678ECA716F8D0C8DC4
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/2972dcd4-ec17-4cc6-9450-d12ec5f843a5

Intranet je omrežje, ki je po arhitekturi enako internetu, vendar je namenjeno zaprtemu okolju. V podjetju, v katerem sem izdeloval diplomsko delo, intranet predstavlja korporativni spletni portal, ki uporabnikom oz. zaposlenim v podjetju predstavlja enotno vstopno točko do vsebin, ki jih potrebujejo pri svojem delu. Omogoča objavo vsebin, novic, predstavitev zaposlenih, delo z dokumenti, podporo pisarniškim poslovnim procesom itd. Z vsebinami portala je doslej upravljala služba za informatiko. Naloga je vključevala tako urejanje vsebin kot tudi upravljanje z dostopi do portala. Dostop do portala je omogočen le avtoriziranim uporabnikom, katerega se je odobrilo ali zavrnilo na podlagi uporabniške zahteve. Ker ni bilo osebe, ki bi potrdila odobritev oz. zavrnitev dostopa, je bil le-ta dodeljen oz. zavrnjen po lastni presoji zaposlenih v oddelku IT. Poleg tega urejanje vsebin intraneta ne sodi v domeno dela zaposlenih v oddelku informatike. Zaradi tega se je pojavila potreba po skrbnikih vsebin. V diplomskem delu je opisana reorganizacija skrbništva vsebin, ki se nahajajo na intranetu podjetja. Predstavljen je postopek, po katerem se je iskalo skrbnike, upravljanje z dostopi do vsebin in upravljanje z vsebinami ter stanje pred in po reorganizaciji.

Keywords:intranet, upravljanje dostopov, skrbništvo vsebin, skrbniki
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-84527 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.08.2016
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Title:The reorganization of content curation on the intranet of the company
An intranet is a network with a similar architecture to the internet, but designed for closed environments, within companies. The Intranet of the company, about which the BSc thesis has been written, represents a corporative web-based portal that constitutes a single point of access to all resources the employees need for their work. It enables publishing various types of contents like news, introduction of employees, dealing with documents, supports running and implementing office business processes etc. Until now the contents of the portal were managed by company’s IT department, which was responsible for editing the contents and for access management, since the portal can be accessed by the authorized users only. On the basis of the user’s request the access was granted or declined. As there was no person who would confirm or decline the access, it was done at the discretion of the IT department staff. Moreover, editing the contents of the portal is not among the tasks that should be done by the system administrators. Therefore a need of curators occurred. The BSc thesis describes the reorganization of content curation on the intranet of the company, as well as the procedures for the selection of curators, including methods of access and content management before and after the reorganization.

Keywords:intranet, access management, content management, curators

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