
Analiza premeščanja plavin reke Tolminke : diplomska naloga
ID Šimon, Jakob (Author), ID Mikoš, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Fazarinc, Rok (Comentor)

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MD5: 2AD7CB6168A5954DEFF001F43F10157B
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/a5254182-7fb8-428e-a5c0-91cbe3beca9a

Premeščanje plavin je kompleksen proces, ki bistveno vpliva na vodotoke in jezera ter posledično tudi na njihovo rabo. V diplomski nalogi sem raziskal, v kolikšni meri je potres leta 1998 dejansko vplival na količine premeščenih plavin reke Tolminke glede na ocene. Ker se je kasneje v zgornjem delu doline sprožil še en skalni podor, katerega gradivo znatno prispeva h količini premeščenih plavin, sem natančneje določil njegov doprinos. Na osnovi dveh vzorcev naplavin in dveh vzorcev podornega gradiva sem na podlagi zrnavosti in petrografske sestave ob upoštevanju hidrološke predelave najprej utemeljil možnost razlikovanja plavin glede na njihov izvor. Na geološki karti je namreč razvidna razlika med sestavo podora in drugimi erozijskimi žarišči, ki v večji meri prispevajo h količinam plavin. To dejstvo je bilo kasneje uporabno za ugotavljanje razlike v deležu plavin iz različnih izvorov na podlagi treh vzorcev deponiranih rečnih naplavin iz lovilnih jam v Tolminu, ki so jih izkopali v letu pred ter prvo leto in enajst let po podoru. Te naplavine odvzemajo za potrebe separacije, katere proizvod je certificiran agregat za betone in tampone. Pri tem sem, zaradi različne litologije glede na izvor plavin, na osnovi nihanja indeksa oblike zrn v obdobju od sprožitve podora do leta 2015 z uporabo ugotovitev študije o zrnavosti zemljin določil letni delež podora k skupni prodonosnosti. Del naloge govori tudi o sami separaciji, kjer se obenem izkaže, da imajo izvor plavin in njihove posledične lastnosti bistveno vlogo pri kakovosti agregata in rentabilnosti obrata, na kar vpliva tudi v nalogi opisan žledolom v letu 2014.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, diplomska naloga, UNI, VKI, premeščanje plavin, geologija, petrografija, rinjene plavine, lebdeče plavine, podor, erozija, hidrometrija, oblika zrn, delež zrn, separacija za betone in tampone, mineralni agregat
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Šimon]
Number of pages:XVIII, 110 str., 13 str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-84510 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7622241 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.10.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Sediment transport analysis for the Tolminka river
For my diploma paper I have done research as to what extend the earthquake of 1998 really affected the amounts of transported sediments of the Tolminka River, as compared to estimated figures. Since later on, i.e. after the earthquake an additional rock fall occured in the upper part of the valley and, in light of the fact that its material has significantly contributed to the amount of the transported sediments, I have taken pains in order to precisely establish the extent of its contribution. Based upon two sediment samples, along with two samples of rock fall material I have, not only on the basis of granulometric and petrographic composition but also having taken into account the hydrologic processing, established the possibility to tell the sediments apart in accordance with their origin. The geological chart reveals the difference between the composition of the rock fall and other erosive sources which largely contribute to the amount of rainfall. The above said fact has later on been applied in order to establish the differences as regards the share of the sediments of various origins, based upon the three samples of deposited river sediments taken from the sediment traps at the town of Tolmin which had been excavated at three different points of time, i.e. a year before the rock fall, the year after the rock fall and eleven years after the rock fall. The sediments have been excavated in order to be used at a separation plant, the product of which is a certified aggregate for various concretes and tampons. I have, due to various types of lithology and with regard to the origin of sediments, established the annual share of rock fall in the total bed-load, in that I have, having applied the findings of the study on granulometric properties of ground samples, considered the oscillation of the index of the shape of grain during the time period from the occurence of the rock fall and up to 2015. Part of the diploma paper also deals with the separation plant itself and I have found that the origin of the sediments and their consecutive properties have also played an important role as regards the quality of aggregate as well as the profitability of the separation plant, both of which have also been affected by the sleet catastrophe of 2014.

Keywords:graduation thesis, civil engineering, sediment transport, bed-load, suspended load, erosion, deposition, abrasion, attrition, geology, petrography, granulometry, rock fall, hydrometry, particle shape, size distribution, separation plant, aggregates for concrete and tampones

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