One of the main problems in the health system is use of paper documents for administration management and recording of the patients´ data. In some segments, software solutions are also used, but they are unrelated, and their purposes are often overlapped, which leads to double work, inconsistent data, or the data being used only once. In the graduation thesis, I have examined operation of the specific software solution, namely platform EHRScape, which is based on the OpenEHR standard, and could in terms of system introduce unification in the field of informatics in health care. I have also made an application for Android operating system, which from the sensor via the Bluetooth Low Energy technology reads measurements and sends them to medical record. I have established that working with the EHRScape is rather simple, since the platform is well documented. Further, also work with Bluetooth Low Energy is rather simple, and the technology has proven to be very suitable for medical sensors.