
Jekleni železniški mostovi v Sloveniji
ID Pasarič, Aljaž (Author), ID Zgonc, Bogdan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Šemrov, Darja (Comentor)

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MD5: 9F8B4801E2E96D31F05736B28B90E57B
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/c52038fa-5ca9-4b63-bd57-5048112bc59c
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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/7cbaede7-1f1d-45d7-8722-6bab07b37064

V začetku diplomske naloge so opisani razvoj mostov, začetki jeklenih mostov v Sloveniji, sledi prikaz odstotka jeklenih železniških mostov v Sloveniji, razvrščen glede na tip konstrukcije, statični sistem in vrsto križanja. V drugem delu naloge so predstavljene zahteve pravilnika o spodnjem ustroju za premostitvene objekte, posamezni elementi (tir, svetli profil, geometrija tlorisa, medtirna razdalja, pragovi, tirni stik, kretnice, izolirni stik, obremenilni preizkus in oznake na objektih) so opisani podrobneje. Tretji del vsebuje povzetek Evrokoda 3, projektiranja jeklenih konstrukcij, obtežb in obtežnih primerov ter pomen konstrukcijskih detajlov na življenjsko dobo konstrukcije. Sledi problematika jeklenih mostov – korozija, opisi korozije, vrste korozije, priprave jeklenih površin za antikorozijsko zaščito in pristopi v antikoroziji. Večina jeklenih železniških mostov v Sloveniji je starih več kot 80 let in so s stališča stopnje korozije zelo slabi. Vzrok za to je tudi neredno vzdrževanje antikorozijske zaščite mostov oz. zanemarjanje tega področja vzdrževanja. Zato so v zadnjem delu naloge predstavljeni tudi vpliv korozije na utrujanje, izgube debelin nosilcev zaradi korozije in metode določanja izgub materiala zaradi korozije. Na podlagi dejstev, da je večina mostov že dosegla svojo projektirano življenjsko dobo, ter da so bili zelo slabo vzdrževani, lahko zaključimo, da so mostovi že dotrajani in potrebni resne obnove.

Keywords:jekleni most, spodnji ustroj, korozija, antikorozija, utrujanje, dotrajanost, vpliv okolja, konstrukcijski detajli
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:[A. Pasarič]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-84450 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7574369 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.03.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Steel railway bridges in Slovenia
The introductory part of the thesis describes the development of bridges and the emergence of steel bridges in Slovenia. It discusses the proportion of steel bridges in Slovenia, their type of construction, static system and type of intersection. The second part of the thesis discusses the requirements given in the rules on the substructure of bridging structures and provides a detailed overview of individual elements (track, clear profile, ground plan geometry, distance between track centres, sleepers, jointed track, switch, insulation joint, load testing, signs on constructions). As for the third part, it contains a summary of Eurocode 3, the process of designing a steel construction as well as loads and load cases. It also points to the significance of structural details for the construction's life span. Moreover, it touches on the issues of steel bridges – corrosion, descriptions and types of corrosion, preparation of steel surfaces for anti-corrosion protection, and approaches to tackling corrosion. The majority of steel railway bridges in Slovenia are over 80 years old and in a very bad condition in terms of the level of corrosion. The situation is a result of infrequent maintenance of the anti-corrosion protection and even neglect of this aspect of maintenance. To this end, the final part of the thesis discusses how corrosion causes fatigue and decreases pylon thickness, and outlines the methods for determining the loss of material due to corrosion. Considering the fact that the majority of the bridges have already exceeded their envisaged life span and that their maintenance was rather poor, it is clear that they are worn out and in need of thorough renovation.

Keywords:steel bridge, substructure, corrosion, anti-corrosion, fatigue, wear out, impact of the environment, structural details

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