
Preobrazba javnega mestnega prostora s trajnostnim mestnim prometnim načrtovanjem na primeru Ljubljane : magistrsko delo
ID Muc, Vesna (Author), ID Zavodnik Lamovšek, Alma (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Lipar, Peter (Comentor)

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MD5: 82AB613E4F107606D8BEE7724CDC065C
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/c050db1d-173d-47d1-8f85-6dcbcb30fc69

Magistrsko delo raziskuje preobrazbo javnega mestnega prostora s trajnostnim mestnim prometnim načrtovanjem na primeru odprtih javnih prostorov v širšem središču Ljubljane. Pod pojmom preobrazba razumemo povezanost urejenosti odprtega javnega prostora v mestu in obsega trajnostne mobilnosti, saj izhajamo iz izhodišča, da se dobro urejen odprti javni prostor preobrazi v smislu rabe in uporabe trajnostnih načinov mobilnosti oz. se pogosteje uporabljajo nemotorizirani načini mobilnosti in zadrževanje ljudi v prostoru. Magistrsko delo je sestavljeno iz dveh tematskih delov. Prvega dela smo se lotili teoretično in podrobneje predstavili pomen odprtega javnega prostora za mesto. Prav tako smo se teoretično lotili druge spremenljivke v nalogi, in sicer trajnostne mobilnosti ter njune medsebojne povezanosti. Drugi del vsebuje analizo urejenosti in prometne ureditve izbranih primerov odprtih javnih prostorov v Ljubljani. S pomočjo literature smo izbrali kazalnike za določanje urejenosti odprtih javnih prostorov, na podlagi katerih smo izpeljali merila za določitev stopnje urejenosti odprtega javnega prostora (neurejen, srednje urejen ali dobro urejen). Izbrali smo primere dobro in srednje urejenih odprtih javnih prostorov v Ljubljani in v anketni raziskavi s pomočjo potencialnih uporabnikov teh prostorov ugotavljali predvsem obseg in spremembo obsega trajnostne mobilnosti v Ljubljani glede na oceno urejenosti odprtega javnega prostora s strani uporabnikov in glede na pomen urejenosti odprtega javnega prostora za uporabnike. Ob izhodišču, da dobro urejen odprti javni prostor v mestu spodbuja trajnostne nemotorizirane načine mobilnosti in pogostejši obisk/uporabo odprtega javnega prostora, smo postavili tri hipoteze, pravilnost katerih smo preverjali s statističnima testoma ANOVA in Kullbackov test povezanosti. Prvi dve hipotezi se nanašata na odvisnost pogostosti izbire nemotoriziranega načina mobilnosti od pomena urejenosti odprtega javnega prostora za uporabnike in od ocene urejenosti odprtega javnega prostora s strani uporabnikov. S pomočjo statističnega testa ANOVA sta bili hipotezi delno potrjeni. Tretja hipoteza se nanaša na zadovoljstvo uporabnikov odprtih javnih prostorov z zaprtjem mestnega jedra v Ljubljani za avtomobilski promet (kot ena izmed ureditev odprtega javnega prostora) in vpliv le-tega na pogostost njihovega obiska. S pomočjo Kullbackovega testa smo hipotezo o povezanosti v celoti potrdili.

Keywords:geodezija, magistrska dela, interdisciplinarni študij, hoja, javni potniški promet, kolesarjenje, Ljubljana, odprti javni prostor, osebni motorni promet, trajnostna mobilnost, trajnostno mestno prometno načrtovanje
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[V. Muc]
Number of pages:XX, 108 str., 1 pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-84425 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7578721 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Transformation of the urban public space by using the sustainable urban transport planning in the case of Ljubljana
The master's thesis explores the transformation of urban public space by using the sustainable urban transport planning on the subject of open public spaces in the wider centre of Ljubljana. Under the term »transformation« we imply the connection between spatial management of open public space in the town and the scope of sustainable mobility, because our opinion is that a well-managed open public space is to be transformed, i.e. its usage and its use of sustainable ways of mobility. This implies that non-motorised ways of mobility are used more often as well as people spending time in public space more often. The master's thesis comprises of two parts. We dealt with the first part theoretically, we also presented the significance of open public space for the city in depth. We dealt with another variable theoretically, namely with the sustainable mobility and their mutual interconnection. The second part of the thesis contains the analysis of spatial and traffic management of the chosen open public spaces in Ljubljana. With the help of literature we chose indicators for determining the spatial management of open public spaces. That was the base to determine the criteria for grading the spatial management of open public spaces (a non-managed, medium-managed, well-managed space). We chose the cases of well-managed and medium-managed open public spaces in Ljubljana. The questionnaire-based aim of the research, whose database consisted of possible users of such public spaces was to find out the scope and scope-change of sustainable mobility in Ljubljana, related to users' evaluation of spatial management of open public space and also related to the significance of spatial management of open public space for the users. With the view that the well-managed open public space in the city encourages the use of sustainable non-motorised ways of mobility and regular usage of open public space, we set out three hypotheses, whose validity we checked with statistical tests ANOVA and the Kullback test for connectedness. The first two hypotheses were concerned with dependency on frequency of chosing non-motorised ways of mobility, i.e. on the spatial management of open public space and on users' grading of spatial management of open public space. The statistical test ANOVA proved the two hypotheses partly. The third hypothesis was concerned with users' contentment of open public spaces in relation to the car-traffic closure for the city centre of Ljubljana (as one of the spatial management activities for open public space), and the closure's impact on users visiting the city centre. The Kullback test entirely confirmed the hypothesis for connectedness.

Keywords:geodesy, walking, public transport, cycling, Ljubljana, open public space, personal motorised transport, sustainable mobility, sustainable urban transport planning

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