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Žepna knjižica in tlak v začetnem naravoslovju
Pirc, Marija
Čepič, Mojca
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V osnovno izobrazbo sodijo bralna pismenost, matematične veščine in naravoslovno znanje. Danes v šolstvu postajajo vse bolj pomembne spretnosti, kot so kreativnost, kritično razmišljanje, sposobnost reševanja težav, sodelovanje, povezovanje, tekmovalnost in zmožnost dela v timu, socialne in emocionalne veščine. Učence je potrebno usposobiti, da znajo razmišljati multidisciplinarno in da znajo znanje povezovati. Danes so učenci vešči v iskanju informacij in menijo, da »Google ve vse,« ampak so mnogokrat premalo kritični do pridobljenih informacij. Še pomembneje je, da znajo iz pridobljenih informacij izluščiti tiste, ki jih potrebujejo, da lahko kvalitetno delajo s tem, kar znajo. Takim veščinam moramo nameniti več pozornosti, če želimo zagotoviti, da bo čim več učencev uspešnih. V diplomski nalogi sem se spraševala, koliko informacij so učenci na razredni stopnji sposobni samostojno zapisati po opravljenem poskusu in kako jih zapišejo. Zanimalo me je, kako pridobljene informacije poročajo domačim in kaj so si zapomnili od petka do ponedeljka. V petih zaporednih petkih sem izvedla pet fizikalnih poskusov na temo tlaka, učenci pa so samostojno oblikovali zapiske, ki so jih vložili v žepne knjižice. Ti zapiski so jim bili v pomoč med vikendom, ko so poskus razlagali domačim. Na individualnem razgovoru vsak ponedeljek so predstavili, kaj so si zapomnili in kako so poskus predstavili oz. izvedli pred domačimi. Njihove zapiske in razgovore sem analizirala in podatke vnesla v tabele in grafikone. Ugotovila sem, da so učenci, stari od 8 do 12 let, sposobni absorbirati, razumeti in povezati dokaj zahtevne podatke/poskuse in jih znajo tudi posredovati naprej. Več težav imajo pri samostojnem zapisovanju teh podatkov. Zelo pogosto se učenci odločijo, da rišejo risbe in si s tem pomagajo pri predstavitvi poskusov. Razlika se pokaže glede na zahtevnost poskusov in glede na poznavanje oz. povezovanje z vsakodnevnimi izkušnjami. Klub pričakovanjem pa ni večjih odstopanj pri razumevanju poskusov med učenci drugega in petega razreda. Lahko bi celo trdila, da so pomembni predvsem besedni zaklad, zanimanje otrok in razgledanost. Piko na i je projektu predstavljalo »popoldne tlakologije,« kamor so bile povabljene družine učencev in njihovi prijatelji. V petek 18. decembra 2015 sem frontalno pokazala in razložila pet bolj zahtevnih oz. nevarnih poskusov, v katerih sta bila prisotna ogenj in steklo. Sledilo je praktično preizkušanje prisotnih, kjer sta pomagali moji sestri, ki sta učiteljici fizike. Tem petim poskusom sem dodala možnost izvedbe tistih petih poskusov, ki smo jih izvedli v času projekta. Ob koncu delavnic sem starše povabila, da tudi oni doma opišejo oz. narišejo vsaj dva poskusa, ki smo jih danes spoznali. Rezultati so bili podobni kot pri otrocih; polovica staršev zapiskov ni napisala. Vrnjeni zapisi se razlikujejo glede na način opisa poskusa. Nekateri so objektivno opisali postopek oz. dogajanje pri poskusu, drugi pa svoja občutenja in zadovoljstvo otrok. Zanimivo pa je, da prav nihče ni narisal nobene risbe
Work type:
Undergraduate thesis
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
PEF - Faculty of Education
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Secondary language
Booklet and pressure in beginners natural science
Part of basic education is reading literacy, mathematical skills and science knowledge. In these days creativity, critical thinking, the ability to solve problems, cooperation, integration, competitiveness and ability to work in a team, social and emotional skills are becoming more and more important. Students need to be trained to know how to think multidisciplinary and how to connect knowledge. Today students are skilled in searching for information and they think that Google knows everything, but many times they are not critical enough to the information they obtain. Even more important is that the student know how to discern this information they need and to work as qualitative as they can. This kind of skills need to be paid more attention if we want to ensure that as many students as possible to be successful. In my assignment I wanted to know, how many information students in primary level are capable of writing it down after experiment and how they write this information. I wanted to know, how they report this information at home and what do they remember from Friday till Monday. In five consecutive Fridays I carried out five physical experiments on pressure where students independently formed notes that they inserted into pocket books. These notes served as help during weekend when they explained the experiment at home. On individual interview each Monday they presented what they remembered and how they explained or presented the experiment at home. Their notes and interviews I analysed and inserted the data to Tables and graphs. I found out that student from 8 to 12 years old are capable of absorbing, understanding and connecting rather complex data/experiments and also of presenting them forward. They have more problems with independent writing of these data. Very often students decide to draw pictures to help with the presentation of the experiments. The main difference is in complex of the experiments and in knowing or connecting with everyday experiences. Nevertheless, there are no major differences with understanding of the experiments among students in 2nd or 5th grade. I could even say that most important is word knowledge, children’s interest and general knowledge. The final touch was “afternoon of knowledge in pressure” where also families and friends were invited. On Friday, 18th of December 2015 I presented and explained 5 more difficult or dangerous experiments, where also fire and glass were included. Afterwards practical experiments of present people were carried out where I was aided by my sisters, professors of physics. I also gave the chance to carry out also 5 experiments I carried out at the time of project. At the end of courses I also invited the parents to describe or draw at least 2 experiments we did. Results were similar to the ones of students; half of parents didn’t write the notes. The notes differ in type of writing. Some described the procedure objectively or according to happening, some wrote about their feelings and satisfaction of their children. What it interesting is that none draw a picture.
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