
Koncept kolesarskih povezav gorenjske statistične regije : magistrsko delo
ID Pergar, Jan (Author), ID Žura, Marijan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Zavodnik Lamovšek, Alma (Comentor)

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MD5: 1D8E82DEFA8712141D0714EBDFBB6752
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/f8c108c5-bfc2-4169-ab20-700ab96082a6

V magistrskem delu je predstavljena idejna študija povezanosti središč gorenjske statistične regije s kolesarskimi povezavami kot del državnega kolesarskega omrežja. Trenutno aktualne strategije predstavljajo nekaj uporabnih povezav v gorenjski regiji, dejansko pa se je v zadnjih letih izvedel in se uporablja le majhen del teh. Primer dobre prakse in usklajenosti lokalnih skupnosti ter državnih institucij predstavlja kolesarska pot D-2 med Mojstrano in Ratečami, prav tako je izveden del povezave R-2, ki poteka med Bohinjsko Bistrico in Ribčevim Lazom. Glavni namen naloge je vključiti že obstoječe povezave v nov koncept, ki se osredotoča v usmeritve trajnostnega načrtovanja in spodbuja povezovanje različnih storitev tako izpostavljenih kot zalednih območij. Predlog državnega kolesarskega omrežja povezuje središča, ki so bila predhodno določena glede na njihov gospodarski in turistični pomen v prostoru. Povezave so načrtovane na osnovi glavnih zahtev za kolesarske površine, med katerimi je najpomembnejša varnost – s tega vidika se poskuša v največji možni meri izkoristiti obstoječe maloprometne ceste brez nepotrebnih vlaganj v izgradnjo povsem ločene infrastrukture. Na določenih odsekih predstavljamo povezave v več različnih variantah, ki so ocenjene in primerjane glede na varstveni, prostorski in izvedbeni vidik ter povezovalno funkcijo. Celovitost omrežja in turistične ponudbe zagotavljajo povezave s sosednjimi savinjsko, osrednjeslovensko in goriško regijo ter Avstrijo in Italijo, kjer je možna posredna navezava na evropsko kolesarsko omrežje EuroVelo.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, magistrska dela, državna kolesarska povezava, gorenjska statistična regija, kolesarsko omrežje, tehnične smernice, strategija, ocenjevanje variant
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Pergar]
Number of pages:XVI, 101 str., 17 pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-84376 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7570017 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.08.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Proposal of state bicycle network in Gorenjska statistical region
This thesis presents a conceptual study of a long-distance cycling network with integration of main urban centers in Gorenjska statistical region, as a part of a planned national cycling network. Currently, there are several national strategies that deal with this issue and offer useful cycling paths in this part of Slovenia, but only a small fraction of these are built and in use by locals and tourists. Cycling path D-2 between Mojstrana and Rateče as well as small part of planned R-2 path, which runs between Bohinjska Bistrica and Ribčev Laz, serve as examples of good coordination between local communities and state institutions. The main objective of the thesis is to integrate existing links into a new concept, which focuses on the sustainable planning policies and encourages the integration of various services as a part of this network. Planned proposal of the national cycling network connects urban centers of Gorenjska region, which were previously determined on the basis of their economic and tourist importance in the area. Cycling links were planned according to the main requirements for cycling infrastructure, where safety is the most important aspect. Taking that into consideration, we were trying to make the best use of existing low traffic roads without unnecessary investment costs into separate infrastructure. Some links are presented in a number of different options, which have been evaluated and compared in terms of safety, spatial and operational aspects as well as in their integrative function. Additional integrity of the network is provided by the connectivity with neighboring regions (Savinja, Central Slovenia and Gorizia region) and countries Austria and Italy, which enable connection with the European cycling network EuroVelo.

Keywords:civil engineering, state bicycle route, Gorenjska statistical region, bicycle network, technical specifications, strategy, evaluation of variants

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