
Analiza vpliva geometrije aerolaserskega skeniranja na kakovost določitve digitalnega modela reliefa : diplomska naloga
ID Frangež, Valens (Author), ID Kosmatin Fras, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Grigillo, Dejan (Comentor), ID Urbančič, Tilen (Comentor)

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MD5: 261926A318D65E15A15508C76E5CB824
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/11e415b5-2acf-4143-8494-a376bc7fa0e5

Aerolasersko skeniranje je v sedanjem času ena izmed pogosteje uporabljenih tehnologij zajema podatkov o oblikovanosti zemeljskega površja. Oblak točk kot rezultat laserskega skeniranja je pogosto uporabljen za izdelavo visokokakovostnih digitalnih modelov reliefa (DMR), katerih natančnost je ovrednotena v postopku analize. V nalogi smo obravnavali vpliv geometrije laserskega skeniranja na določitev višinske komponente položaja DMR-jev na primeru dveh vrst površin, travniku in asfaltu, na testnem območju v Radovljici. Znotraj posamezne površine smo obravnavali dva podatkovna niza, in sicer oblake snemalnih pasov in združene georeferencirane oblake. Vpliv geometrije laserskega skeniranja smo analizirali predvsem z vidika višine leta snemalne platforme nad terenom, velikosti kota od nadirja in oddaljenosti od referenčne GNSS postaje. Za referenčne vrednosti, na katerih je temeljila višinska primerjava, smo uporabili kontrolne točke, izmerjene na terenu. Na osnovi izvedene analize kakovosti DMR-ja, katere rezultat so mere statistične razpršenosti, in izračuna geometrijskih parametrov, smo izrisali grafe, ki so v nalogi glaven način prikaza rezultatov. Končne ugotovitve glede velikosti posameznega vpliva na kakovost določitve položajev točk aerolaserskega skeniranja smo podali v zaključku.

Keywords:geodezija, diplomska naloga, UNI, aerolasersko skeniranje, digitalni model reliefa, kakovost, geometrija aerolaserskega skeniranja, georeferenciranje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[V. Frangež]
Number of pages:XVIII, 33 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-84345 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7634529 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.10.2016
FRANGEŽ, Valens, 2016, Analiza vpliva geometrije aerolaserskega skeniranja na kakovost določitve digitalnega modela reliefa : diplomska naloga [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : V. Frangež. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of the Impact of Airborne Laser Scanning Geometry on the Quality of Digital Terrain Model Determination
Airborne laser scanning is nowadays one of the most used technologies for data collection of the shape of the Earth´s surface. Point cloud as a result of laser scanning is often used to produce high-quality digital terrain models (DTM), whose accuracy is evaluated in the analysis process. In the thesis we discussed the influence of the geometry of laser scanning on determination of the DTM´s altitude component on two different types of grounding, meadow and asphalt, in testing area in Radovljica. Within each area we discussed two data sets, strip point clouds and georeferenced point clouds. We analyzed the impact of the height of the recording platform over the terrain, the size of angle from nadir and distance from the GNSS ground reference station on the geometry of laser scanning. The height comparison was based on check points, measured in the field. Based on the analysis of the quality of the DTM, the results of which are the measures of statistical dispersion, and the calculated geometric parameters, the figures were plotted, and those are the main way the results are displayed. Final findings regarding the size of each effect on the quality of the determination of point positions based on airborne laser scanning are given in the conclusion.

Keywords:geodesy, graduation thesis, Airborne Laser Scanning, Digital Terrain Model, Quality, Airborne Laser Scanning Geometry, Georeferencing

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