
Vzpostavitev etažne lastnine
ID Robič, Gregor (Author), ID Rakar, Albin (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Urevc, Anže (Comentor)

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MD5: 9BF1AC4D533AD2DD4FF83B17469B0967
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/489b1470-385d-4871-b91f-e859191a5fa1

Po spremembi družbeno-ekonomskega sistema leta 1991, ko sta na področju stvarnega prava na veljavi pričela pridobivati instituta lastninske pravice in zemljiške knjige, se je pri nas začel tudi resneje razvijati koncept etažne lastnine. Po 25 letih imamo v državi še vedno nezanemarljiv odstotek stavb z več deli, na katerih etažna lastnina ni vzpostavljena. Diplomska naloga obravnava tako teoretično ozadje kot praktične rešitve vzpostavljanja etažne lastnine ter ponuja možne vzroke, zaradi katerih prihaja do težav z vzpostavitvijo etažne lastnine na mnogih stavbah v Sloveniji. Diplomsko delo v prvem delu vsebuje pregled zakonodaje in podzakonskih predpisov s področja stvarnega prava, ki ponujajo tako razlage in definicije osnovnih pojmov, ki se tičejo etažne lastnine, kot tudi podrobna navodila oz. smernice za izdelavo in pripravo potrebnih elaboratov ter pravnih poslov. V nadaljevanju so na kratko predstavljene nepremičninske evidence, katerih poznavanje nam lahko mnogokrat olajša delo pri vzpostavljanju etažne lastnine. Drugi del diplomske naloge na osnovi treh praktičnih primerov prikazuje posamezne korake postopka vzpostavitve etažne lastnine – ureditev stanja v zemljiškem katastru, vpis stavbe v kataster stavb, pripravo pravnega posla in zemljiškoknjižne vpise.

Keywords:etažna lastnina, zemljiški kataster, kataster stavb, zemljiška knjiga, nepremičnine, stvarno pravo
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[G. Robič]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-84338 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7567969 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.08.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Establishment of floor ownership
After the socioeconomic system had been changed in 1991 the right of ownership and land registry seemed to gain a much greater importance. In that time the concept of floor ownership has also started to develop, but after 25 years a significant number of multi-unit buildings without the established floor ownership still exist in Slovenia. In this thesis both theoretical background and practical solutions for establishing a floor ownership are presented, furthermore, possible causes for an inaccurate establishment of floor ownership are offered. The first part of Graduation Thesis consists of an overview of property law codes and regulations, which comprise detailed instructions for creating project documentations and legal transactions. Explanations and definitions of basic terminology concerning floor ownershipwith are being offered. Real estate cadastres and registries are also presented in the first part of the thesis. Based on three practical examples the second part consists of a walkthrough of establishing a floor ownership, divided in four major steps in the process of establishing a floor ownership – editing land cadastre data, entering new data in buildings cadastre, designing a legal transaction and land registry entries.

Keywords:floor ownership, land cadastre, buildings cadastre, land registry, real estate, property law

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