
Obračun stroškov ravnanja z odpadki s pomočjo tehnologije RFID : magistrsko delo
ID Kovačič, Matej (Author), ID Rakar, Albin (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 5F8F76840DF89C35B0AA9C7931BAE2E7
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/561bc22e-5a02-4f0c-85c8-85278183651e

Naloga opisuje možnosti prehoda obračuna ravnanja z odpadki na sistem plačila dejansko odloženih količin, poznan po kratici PAYT (Pay As You Throw ─ plačaj, kolikor odložiš), ki sistem pokrivanja stroškov v največji možni meri približuje osnovnemu pravilu pokrivanja stroškov ''onesnaževalec plača''. Za ta namen smo analizirali delo komunalnega podjetja, ki skrbi za ravnanje z odpadki na območju 5 osrednjeslovenskih občin, ter proučili strukturo stroškov, ki so podlaga za obračun ravnanja z odpadki. V raziskavi smo z analizo stroškov poslovanja dejavnosti določili stroške, ki so nujni za opravljanje dejavnosti, hkrati pa količina prevzetih odpadkov nanje ne vpliva. Stroški, razmejeni na fiksni in variabilni del, so podlaga za izračun cene (fiksni del in cena posameznega praznjenja) za uporabnika. Za identifikacijo posod za zbiranje odpadkov, ki je podlaga za meritev števila praznjenj posod ali tehtanje izpraznjenih odpadkov je bistvena uporaba tehnologije RFID. Pri tej tehnologiji je v posodo za zbiranje odpadkov vstavljen pasivni odzivnik, s katerim čitalnik vgrajen v vozilo, identificira zabojnik. Identifikacijska številka odzivnika se skupaj s podatki o praznjenju (ura, datum, teža – če gre za tehtanje) shrani v procesno enoto vozila. Od tam se preko sprotne povezave ali po opravljenem delu prenese v podatkovno bazo, kjer je identifikacijska številka posode povezana z uporabnikom. Tako pridobljena podatkovna baza je podlaga za obračun storitev, ki temelji na dejansko oddanih količinah odpadkov.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, magistrska dela, zbiranje odpadkov, gospodarjenje z odpadki, mešani komunalni odpadki, biorazgradljivi odpadki, PAYT, RFID
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Kovačič]
Number of pages:XII, 119 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-84288 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7556961 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.07.2016
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Secondary language

Title:The use of RFID Technology in Waste Treatment Billing
This Master's degree work discusses possibilities of implementing new waste treatment billing system known as PAYT (Pay As You Throw), that enables charging based on actually collected quantity of waste. Thus the system of covering waste treatment costs is adapted to the principle »POLUTERS PAY« as close as possible. We have analyzed the working process of Municipal Public Company, responsible for waste management in the area of 5 Communities in central part of Slovenia. The emphasis of analytic procedure has been put on Waste Treatment Cost Structure. We have determined the costs that are inevitable for working process, but not influenced by the quantity of collected waste. The values of fixed and variable costs are a basis for Basic Charge and Service Charges (price depending on number of waste bin collections per month) for waste treatment. Procedure for identification of collected bins is enabled by using RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) data collection system. Identification is basic requirement for introducing collection measurement or weighing of collected waste in waste collection process. RFID transponder is installed in waste collection bin. RFID reader installed on Refuse Collection Vehicle reads and transmits the transponder serial numbers. The tag data, combined with the time and GPS data (+ weight in weighing option) is recorded to the process unit in RCV. RFID data logs can be automatically downloaded from the process unit to designated servers in Municipal company. There the transponder ID is connected with user data and this is basis for PAYT billing.

Keywords:civil engineering, master of science thesis, waste collection, waste management, municipal solid waste, biodegradable waste, PAYT, RFID, billing

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