
Betonska vozišča - primerjava različnih regulativ in projektiranje sestave betona : magistrsko delo
ID Seljak, Sašo (Author), ID Bokan-Bosiljkov, Violeta (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Ipavec, Andrej (Comentor)

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MD5: 931C18B0903A6E1764298B2543408237
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/35acfaa6-cd7d-48c1-94ee-233334aa8233

Pred nami je obdobje, ko bo v Republiki Sloveniji potrebna temeljita rekonstrukcija cestnega omrežja. Zadnje ocene stanja vozišč so namreč pokazale alarmantno stanje trenutnega omrežja državnih cest. To je hkrati tudi priložnost, da se poveča obseg gradnje betonskih vozišč. Tuje izkušnje namreč kažejo na številne prednosti betonskih vozišč pred asfaltnimi. Namen dela je pregled trenutno veljavnih zahtev s področja načrtovanja betonskih vozišč v RS in njihova primerjava z zahtevami v tujini. Pri tem upoštevamo, da se betonska vozišča v tujini projektirajo na življenjsko dobo 30 let, kar želimo doseči tudi pri nas. V prvem delu naloge predstavimo gradbene in konstrukcijske osnove za izvedbo betonskih vozišč. V nalogi podamo zahteve glede kvalitete vgradnje in vgrajenih materialov v temeljno in nosilno voziščno konstrukcijo. Opozorimo na pomanjkljivosti postopka dimenzioniranja voziščnih konstrukcij, ki ga uporabljamo v Sloveniji, in predlagamo drugega. V nadaljevanju dela se osredotočimo na pripravo betonske mešanice za izvedbo krovne plati voziščne konstrukcije. V delu so združene trenutno veljavne zahteve v RS, tako za posamezne sestavine betonske mešanice kot tudi zahteve za pripravo betonske mešanice. Podane zahteve primerjamo z zahtevami v tujini in podamo predloge za dopolnitev trenutne regulative v RS. Pregled cementov je pokazal, da pri nas ne proizvajamo cementa, katerega osnovni namen bi bila uporaba za izvedbo krovnih plasti voziščnih konstrukcij. Zato smo se odločili za laboratorijski razvoj cementa CEM II/B-S 42,5N. Pripravljeni cement smo uporabili za pripravo betonske mešanice, ki izpolnjuje zahteve za obrabne plasti voziščnih konstrukcij. S pomočjo preiskav na svežem in strjenem betonu smo ocenili ustreznost uporabljenih sestavin, predvsem cementa in betonske mešanice.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, magistrska dela, betonska vozišča, regulativa, dimenzioniranje, mikrostruktura, cement, projektiranje sestave betona
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[S. Seljak]
Number of pages:XIV, 116 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-84237 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7556449 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.07.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Concrete roads - comparison of regulations and concrete mixture design
In the near future, Slovenia will require a thorough reconstruction of the road network. Recent assessments of the condition of our roads have shown an alarming deterioration of our current public roads network. This is also an opportunity to increase the volume of construction of concrete pavement. Foreign experiences point to a number of advantages of concrete pavement in comparison to asphalt. The objective of this work is to show an overview of the current requirements in the field of design for concrete pavement in Slovenia and their comparison with the requirements of foreign regulations. Therefore we have to acknowledge that concrete pavements abroad are designed for a life span of 30 years, which is something we want to achieve. In the first part of the thesis we present the construction and design bases for the implementation of concrete pavements. Currently known systems of pavement structures and types of joints are studied in detail. Requirements for the installing and materials used in subbase and base courses are also given. We pointed out the shortcomings of the procedure for dimensioning of pavement structures used in Slovenia and suggested another one. In the second part we focus on the preparation of concrete mixture. The requirements of Slovenian regulations for components and concrete mixture were gathered and compared against foreign regulations. Due to the result, we suggest an update of Slovenian requirements. An overview of cements showed that we do not produce a cement whose primary purpose is to prepare the wearing course of pavement structures. A decision was made to develop a laboratory cement CEM II/B-S 42,5N. Developed cement was used for the preparation of a concrete mixture that meets the requirements for the wearing course of pavement structures. Through investigations of fresh and hardened concrete, we evaluated the adequacy of the components used, mainly cement and concrete mixtures.

Keywords:concrete roads, regulation, dimensioning, microstructure, cement, concrete mixture design

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