
Pomoč lutke pri oblikovanju socialnih odnosov v skupini
ID Jordan, Adrijana (Author), ID Korošec, Helena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pozitivno oblikovanje socialnih odnosov z vrstniki je v predšolskem obdobju zelo pomembno za nadaljnjo interakcijo otroka v družbi. V diplomskem delu bomo predstavili različne lutkovne dejavnosti v skupini, s katerimi se krepi ta odnos med otroki. Otroci se veliko lažje pogovarjajo z lutko, ji zaupajo, saj je majhna kot oni in jo zato dojemajo kot sebi enakovredno. V teoretičnem delu, ki je razdeljen na tri poglavja, smo se osredotočili na otroško igro in socialni razvoj starejših predšolskih otrok od 4. do 6. leta. Skozi igro se namreč otroci razvijajo celostno, tako psihično kot tudi fizično in socialno. Igra jim predstavlja veselje, dejavnost, ki jo spodbuja notranja motivacija, pa vendar ima vsaka igra za seboj skrito učenje, ki otroka pripravlja na zunanji svet. V tretjem delu opišemo lutko in njeno uporabo v predšolski vzgoji. Lutka je namreč odlična pomočnica v vsaki skupini, saj se otrok počuti njej enakovredno, kar mu pomaga, da lutki zaupa in ji verjame. Vzgojitelj se lahko tako otroku približa in mu pomaga prebroditi težave, stiske in frustracije. V empiričnem delu predstavimo dejavnosti, ki smo jih izvajali v vrtcu z različnimi lutkovnimi tehnikami in lutko – ljubljencem skupine, da se otrokom približamo in jim pomagamo pri učenju socialnih veščin, da se bo izboljšalo vzdušje v skupini in medsebojni odnosi. Ugotovili smo, da so se otroci ob lutki sprostili, odprli in lažje komunicirali tako z drugimi otroki kot tudi z vzgojiteljico. Ljubljenec skupine je otroke povezal, pomagal jim je pri oblikovanju socialnih odnosov in razvijanju prosocialnega vedenja.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-84215 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11072585 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.08.2016
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Secondary language

Title:The assistance of a puppet in the formation of social relationships in a group
Positive development of social interaction in preschool education is very important for the child's further interaction in society. This thesis introduces several group activities with puppets to reinforce the relationship between the children. They communicate with the puppets much easier and trust them, as they find it as an equal in size and self. The theoretical part, which is divided into three chapters, focuses on the children's game and the social development of older preschool children from 4 to 6 years old. They undergo comprehensive development, as physical, psychological and socially, through playing. Their games bring them joy, it is an activity, encouraged by inner motivation, while each game includes covert education to prepare the child for the outside world. The third part describes puppets and their use in preschool education. A puppet is an excellent assistant in every group – the child feels equal to the puppet, inducing trust and belief. The teacher can use this method to get close to the child and assist them in overcoming issues, dilemmas and frustrations. The empirical part introduces activities, which was performed in a kindergarten with various puppetry techniques and a puppet. The activities enabled us to get close to the children and assist them in learning social skills, to improve the group atmosphere and relationships among the children. The results show the children were more relaxed with the puppet, they were more open and communicated easier with the other children and the teacher. The key puppet of the group connected the children, assisted them in defining social relationships and developing prosocial behaviour.


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