
Analiza uporabniških vmesnikov in interakcije z računalniki
ID PERČIČ, JAN (Author), ID Solina, Franc (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 4472FF29E50C0EA9FB91AF1B17A82C3C
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/80dd5083-0115-4392-8567-d91c0e26d4ed

V diplomskem delu je preučevan razvoj uporabniških vmesnikov in človekove interakcije z računalniki. Delo ponuja pregled primerov iz zgodovine in omenja ljudi, ki so bili pomembni za razvoj uporabniških vmesnikov. Obenem analizira trenutne načine interakcije ter njihov potencialni razvoj v prihodnosti. Cilj dela je bil definirati lastnosti potencialnega uporabniškega vmesnika, a, ker se danes računalniki uporabljajo v najrazličnejših oblikah in situacijah, je bil sprejet zaključek, da je ideja idealnega vmesnika nezadostna in napačna, saj je od primera do primera odvisno, kateri načini interakcije so najprimernejši. Vsaka od analiziranih interakcij ima prednosti in slabosti in v prihodnosti bo uporabljena kombinacija vseh. Delo napoveduje tudi, da bodo z razvojem razumevanja konteksta uporabnika računalniki vse pogosteje sami interaktirali z nami ter nam tako olajšali vsakodnevna in zamudna opravila.

Keywords:računalnik, uporabniški vmesnik, interakcija, GUI, VUI, AR, VR, BCI
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-84185 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.07.2016
PERČIČ, JAN, 2016, Analiza uporabniških vmesnikov in interakcije z računalniki [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 29 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Title:Analysis of user interfaces and interactions with computers
The diploma thesis is a study of evolution of user interfaces and human interaction with computers. The thesis offers an overview of examples from history and mentions people that were important for the user interface development. At the same time it examines the current interaction principles and their potential evolution in the future. The goal was to define a potential ideal user interface, but because we are using different types of computers and in different situations, conclusion was reached that the idea for it is wrong. Which type of interaction is most appropriate depends on the context of the user. Each of analysed interactions has advantages and weaknesses and in the future a combination of all will be used. Further, it was also discovered that with the development of understanding the user and his context, computers will more and more interact with us in order to make our day to day tasks easier.

Keywords:computer, user interface, interaction, GUI, VUI, AR, VR, BCI

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