This master thesis describes development of digital system for video image processing using morphological operations. The first part describes initial digital system with respect to main functionality desired. Basic principles of binary morphological operation such as erosion and dilation including some combined operations like opening, closing and gradient together with their main properties are explained. Afterwards extension of morphological operations on grayscale video images is presented as well.
In the following chapter development of hardware is described in terms of basic functionalities, printed circuit board design and SMD soldering of main components. Some partial electrical and routing schemes are presented for main components of digital system. Key components of digital system such as CMOS digital image sensor, power supplies, FPGA, external memory, asynchronous serial interface, analog-digital converter are described in more detail.
The part following hardware design is software design of components implemented inside FPGA. Along description of main components imeplemented inside FPGA there is also some part of the source code written in VHDL language available together with the simulation results.