
Vzpostavljanje sodelovalne skupnosti na šoli ob vpeljevanju vzgojnega načrta : magistrsko delo
ID Šimenc, Monika (Author), ID Peček, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3529/ This link opens in a new window

Izhodišče magistrskega dela je bila priložnost avtonomnega oblikovanja ter izvajanja vzgojnega načrta, ki so jo v zadnjih letih dobile naše šole. To je večino šol postavilo pred nov izziv. Na slovenskih šolah se je na začetku procesa čutilo veliko olajšanje, da se na vzgojnem področju končno nekaj premika. Tudi strokovne institucije so pokazale veliko zanimanja, zainteresirane šole so po korakih vodili skozi procese nastajanja novega dokumenta. Posamezniki s šol so se udeležili dogodkov, povezanih z vzgojnim načrtom, ki so jih pripravili različni organizatorji. Začetno navdušenje je marsikje kmalu zamenjalo razočaranje in občutek neuspeha, ker ni bilo čutiti hitrega učinka zapisanih sprememb. Zato smo se na šoli, kjer poučujem, oblikovanja in vpeljevanja novega dokumenta lotili premišljeno z namenom dolgotrajnega učinka. Najprej je bilo potrebno pridobiti ter motivirati strokovne delavce, jih povezati v skupnost, ki izmenjuje izkušnje, se povezuje, aktivno sodeluje pri prepoznavanju in reševanju problemov ter spremlja proces spreminjanja na lastno pobudo. V magistrskem delu smo raziskovali vzpostavljanje sodelovanja v skupnosti strokovnih delavcev ob oblikovanju, uvajanju in spremljanju vzgojnega načrta v osnovni šoli. V teoretičnem delu smo najprej ugotavljali, zakaj so spremembe v šolski praksi nujne. Zanimalo nas je, kako spremembe v šolo vpeljevati na način, da zaživijo v praksi in je zagotovljena njihova trajnost. Ob primerih praks uspešnega spreminjanja v šolah z aktivnim vključevanjem in povezovanjem deležnikov smo izpostavili značilnosti udeležencev procesa spreminjanja, značilnosti samega procesa in značilnosti faz procesa. Na podlagi teoretičnega dela smo oblikovali izhodiščni model vzpostavljanja sodelovalne skupnosti na šoli. Priporočeni koraki Zavoda Republike Slovenije za šolstvo za nastanek in spremljanje vzgojnega načrta naši šoli niso zadostovali, zato smo se spreminjanja lotili z lastnim akcijskim raziskovanjem. Preko uvajanja vzgojnega načrta v štirih krogih akcijskega raziskovanja v empiričnem delu smo preverili izhodiščni model vzpostavljanja sodelovalne skupnosti na šoli in ga dopolnili. Pri tem smo se osredotočili na razvoj faz modela vzpostavljanja sodelovalne skupnosti preko akcij medsebojnega povezovanja, usklajevanja mnenj in strpne komunikacije. V začetni fazi, ko je na šoli potekala identifikacija s problemom, je kombinacija pristopa od spodaj navzgor in od zgoraj navzdol pripomogla k boljšemu razumevanju problemskega izhodišča. V naslednjih dveh fazah je še vedno potekal uvodni del procesa, ker je bil namenjen oblikovanju usmerjevalne skupine, seznanjanju s problemom in načrtovanju dela v tej skupini. Šele v četrti fazi je postala aktivna celotna skupnost, kjer so zaposleni v manjših skupinah v več zaporednih aktivnostih najprej prepoznavali področja sprememb, jih nato usklajevali med seboj ter s konsenzom izbrali najustreznejše rešitve. Sledila je faza udejanjanja predlaganih sprememb. Usmerjevalna skupina je z raznolikimi dejavnostmi pritegnila kolektiv k medsebojnemu sodelovanju in spremljala razvoj procesa spreminjanja. Evalvaciji je sledila še faza zagotavljanja trajnosti procesa v prihodnosti. Uspešen proces, ki se nikoli ne konča, zazna potrebo po spremembah in jih omogoča, kadar so potrebne. Usmerjevalna skupina mora v obdobjih stagnacije ali celo nazadovanja preseči in zagotoviti živost procesa. Prikazani model sodelovalne skupnosti poleg faz procesa predstavlja tudi značilnosti udeležencev in samega procesa. Ob ustrezni motivaciji skupnosti in upoštevanju posebnosti šol je model prenosljiv tudi na druge slovenske šole v procesu vpeljevanja sprememb.

Keywords:spreminjanje šolske prakse, vzgojni načrt, vloge deležnikov, modeli uvajanja sprememb, sodelovalna skupnost
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[M. Šimenc Vatovani]
Number of pages:163 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-83872 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11062601 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.08.2016
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Secondary language

Title:School collaborative community establishment through the implementation of the educational plan
The basis of the master's thesis is the autonomous creation and implementation of educational plan which was initiated in primary school. Most schools were challenged by the novelty. At the beginning of the process a relief was felt in Slovenian schools, for something was finally being done in the field of education. A lot of interest was shown by professional educational institutions as well, gradually leading schools through the process of creating the new document. School individuals participated in educational plan events held by various organizers. As the results of the written changes were fairly slow, the initial excitement soon turned into disappointment and the feeling of failure in most schools. For this reason, our school thoughtfully dealt with the creation and implementation of the new document, with the intention of a long-term effect. At first it was crucial to gain the interest and motivation of the school professionals, forming a community that exchanges experiences, interacts, actively participates in identifying and solving problems as well as monitors the process of changes on their own initiative. The thesis introduces a research on establishing collaborative community of school professionals as a result of the creation, introduction and monitoring of educational plan in primary school. In the theoretical part, our aim was to establish the reasons for changes and bring these changes permanently into school practice. Practice examples of successful changes in schools were introduced by active participation and integration of the participants along with the characteristics of the participants in the process of changes, the process itself, as well as the process phases. Based on the theoretical part, a basic model of establishing collaborative community in school was formed. The National Education Institute Slovenia recommendations regarding the creation and monitoring of educational plan were insufficient, which is why our school initiated an active research. The basic model of establishing collaborative community in our school was tested and supplemented through the establishment of education plan in four stages of action research. The focus was set on the phase development of the model through the actions of mutual integration, opinion agreement and tolerant communication. In the initial phase, as the problem identification was taking place, the combination of the bottom-up and top-down approach made the problem starting point more understandable. In the following phases the initial part of the process was still in progress, intended to form a steering group, introduce the problem and plan further group work. It was only in the fourth phase that the whole community became active. In various consecutive activities the employees, operating in small groups, first identified the fields of change, coordinated them and chose the most suitable solutions with mutual agreement. Next was the phase of actualizing the suggested changes. The steering group drew the attention of the whole school community to participate in various activities while monitoring the process of changes. The evaluation was followed by the phase of providing a durable process of changes in the future. A successful, never-ending process identifies the need for changes and enables them when necessary. The steering group needs to surpass stagnation or regression and ensure the liveness of the process. The presented model of collaborative community along with the process phases also presents the characteristics of the participants and the process itself. By ensuring appropriate motivation of the community and considering individual school features, the model can also be applied in other Slovenian schools in the process of initiating changes.

Keywords:school practice changes

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