
Projektiranje mestnih prometnih površin po smernicah NACTO (National Association of City Transport Officials)
ID Velkavrh, Lara (Author), ID Lipar, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rijavec, Robert (Comentor)

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MD5: 6360371F349C5D50A617B96A2E1802D6
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/864bb706-d15b-4de4-a834-27971e5e79d1

Načrtovanje mestnih prometnih površin po NACTO sledi viziji umirjanja prometa z vizualnimi elementi. Predstavljeno bo postopno prenavljanje mestnih prometnih površin po ameriških smernicah združenja NACTO, ki je leta 2013 izdal knjigo Urban Street Design Guide. Posamezen tip obstoječih cest v urbanem okolju ( glavna mestna cesta, cesta v soseski, stanovanjska ulica v skupni rabi) lahko po korakih s posameznimi konstrukcijskimi elementi preuredimo tako, da zagotovimo večjo varnost pešcev in kolesarjev, gospodarsko smotrnost ceste ter poživimo mestno okolje za dobrobit ljudi in lokalnih gospodarskih dejavnosti. S spremembo širine prometnega pasu, pločnikov, polmera zavoja robnika, zamikov osi vozišča in uporabo vertikalnih elementov za nadzor hitrosti ( hitrostne grbine, ploščadi, blazine, pasu za potniški promet) vplivamo na večjo preglednost v križišču in zmanjšanjem vozne hitrosti. Za zaključek je predstavljena preureditev križišča na Premrlovi ulici v Ljubljani v krožno križišče in Gerbičeve ulice v Ljubljani v enosmerno ulico z elementi umirjanja prometa.

Keywords:NACTO, ceste, križišča, rekonstrukcija, umirjanje prometa, pešci, kolesarji, vertikalni elementi umirjanja prometa, preglednost
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Velkavrh]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-83840 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7520353 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.07.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Urban road design according to NACTO Urban Street Design Guide
Urban road design according to NACTO follows the vision of traffic calming with visual elements. Gradual restoration of urban traffic areas will be presented according to american guidelines of NACTO Association, which published a book in 2013 called Urban Street Design Guide. Each type of existing roads in the urban area (the main street, the road in the neighborhood, residential shared street) can be, step by step, reconstructed with individual structural elements to ensure greater safety for pedestrians and cyclists, the economic efficiency of the road and creates vibrant community spaces for the welfare of people and local economic activities. By changing the width of the travel lane, sidewalks, curb radius turn, chicanes and the use of vertical speed control elements (speed humps, speed tables, speed cushions, dedicated bus lanes) we influence on greater visibility in the intersection and reducing the driving speed. In conclusion I present reconstruction of intersection on Premrl street in Ljubljana into a roundabout and Gerbičeva street in Ljubljana into a one way street with traffic calming elements.

Keywords:NACTO, street, intersection, reconstruction, traffic calming, pedestrians, cyclists, vertical speed control elements, visibility

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