
Geodetska izmera fasad stavb za namen energetske sanacije
ID Flerin, Matjaž (Author), ID Savšek, Simona (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kogoj, Dušan (Comentor)

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/a430e721-482d-45e2-b160-ee7bbabcd5aa

Statistični podatki kažejo, da v zadnjih letih svetovna poraba energije vztrajno narašča. V državah Evropske unije stavbe porabijo kar 40 odstotkov celotne energije in v ozračje izpustijo 36 odstotkov emisij toplogrednih plinov. Ti podatki kažejo, da je nujno potrebno zmanjšati porabo energije in izpuste toplogrednih plinov. K temu lahko največ pripomoremo z izboljšano energetsko učinkovitostjo stavb, do te pa pridemo z energetsko sanacijo. Energetska sanacija ali prenova stavb je inženirski projekt, s katerim dosežemo, da stavba za ogrevanje in hlajenje porabi vsaj polovico manj energije kot pred sanacijo. V magistrskem delu obravnavamo energetske sanacije stavb in metode geodetske izmere fasad. Tema v največji meri zavzema področje geodezije, kjer obravnava tako klasično metodo izmere kot terestrično lasersko skeniranje. Hkrati pa pokriva tudi področje energetskih sanacij, kjer se povezuje z energetiko in gradbeništvom. Pregledali smo področje energetskih sanacij in možnosti sodelovanja geodetske stroke pri izmeri fasad stavb. Osredotočili smo se na klasično terestrično izmero in terestrično lasersko skeniranje, žični model stavbe ter predhodno izdelane fasadne elemente. Zaradi potrebe po zagotovitvi visoke stopnje natančnosti smo morali pozornost nameniti tudi vzpostavitvi referenčne geodetske mreže v okolici obravnavane stavbe. Na podlagi referenčnega primera smo želeli priti do ugotovitev glede izbire ustrezne geodetske metode na osnovi izbrane stavbe in izbrane metode energetske sanacije. Opravljena je bila praktična terenska izmera in različne naknadne obdelave. Za terensko izmero smo uporabili napreden geodetski instrument, ki združuje različne merske tehnike. Do končnega rezultata – 3D žičnega modela fasade – pa smo prišli z različnimi postopki izračunov in naknadnih obdelav. S primerjavo dobljenih rezultatov smo lahko ocenili natančnost posamezne metode in kar je najpomembneje, določili prednosti in slabosti posamezne metode ter razlike med njimi.

Keywords:geodetska mreža, energetska sanacija, fasada, predhodno izdelani fasadni elementi, klasična metoda izmere, terestrično lasersko skeniranje, žični model, 3D modeliranje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Flerin]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-83780 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7522657 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.07.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Geodetic evaluation of the building's facades for the purpose of energy renovation
Statistics show that in recent years, global energy consumption is growing steadily. In the countries of the European Union buildings consume 40 percent of total energy and release 36 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. These data suggest that it is necessary to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. To this we can contribute with improved energy efficiency of buildings that we can achieve with energy renovation. Energy renovation of buildings is an engineering project with which we reach that the buildings consume at least half of the energy for heating or cooling as before the renovation. In this master’s thesis we are studying the energy renovation of buildings and the methods of façade measuring. Topic largely covers the area of geodesy, which deals with both classical method of surveying and terrestrial laser scanning. At the same time it also covers the area of energy renovation, which is associated with energetic and construction. We reviewed the area of energy renovation and the possibility of participating geodetics profession in the façade measurements. Our focus was on the classical terrestrial measurement and terrestrial laser scanning, wireframe buildings and prefabricated façade elements. The need to ensure a high level of precision we needed to pay attention to the establishment of a geodetic reference network in the vicinity of the present building. Based on the reference case, we want to draw conclusions regarding the selection of relevant geodetic methods on the basis of selected buildings and the chosen method of energy renovation. A practical field measurement was carried out following various post processing. For field measurement, we used an advanced surveying instrument that combines different measurement techniques. To the final result - 3D wireframe façade - we came up with different calculation and postprocessing. By comparing the results obtained, we can assess the accuracy of each method, and most importantly, determine the advantages and disadvantages of each method, and the differences between them.

Keywords:geodetic network, energy renovation, façade, prefabricated façade elements, classical method of measuring, terrestrial laser scanning, wireframe model, 3D modeling

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