
Konstrukt sreče v postmoderni družbi
ID Jagodić, Dijana (Author), ID Vec, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3518/ This link opens in a new window

V današnji družbi velja miselnost, da je sreča ena od pomembnejših vrednot v življenju posameznika. Z njo so se ukvarjali številni filozofi, umetniki in znanstveniki že od antičnih časov naprej, vendar nikoli v takem obsegu in tako intenzivno kot danes. Kljub znatnemu povečanju raziskav in dostopnosti informacij o tej temi strokovnjaki ugotavljajo, da je presenetljivo veliko število ljudi nesrečnih in da je v družbi razširjeno stanje malodušnosti, naveličanosti, otopelosti in depresije. V diplomskem delu raziskujem konstrukt sreče, ki se je oblikoval v postmoderni družbi na podlagi vrednot potrošništva. Konzumerizem je presegel odnos do potrošnje in postal način življenja, smisel delovanja in način posameznikovega samoizražanja, oblikovanje identitet pa je vezal na potrošnjo dobrin in storitev. Želja po sreči se je prelevila v željo po takojšnjem užitku, ki ne dopušča neprijetnih čustev. Pri tem se je pozabilo, da je za posameznikov celosten razvoj potrebna celotna paleta emocij, človekovo doživljanje pa se je omejilo na skrajnost – srečo ali nesrečo. V zaključku namenjam prostor socialni pedagogiki, ki lahko s pomočjo znanja o čustvenih procesih in z ustreznimi strategijami pripomore k soustvarjanju bolj realnega koncepta sreče.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-83730 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11054921 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.08.2016
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Secondary language

Title:The construct of happiness in post-modern society
In today's society exists the mindset that happiness is one of the most important life value of an individual. Numerous philosophers, artists and scientists were discusing happiness since ancient times, but never on such a scale and so intense as today. Despite a significant increase in researches and accessibility of informations on this subject, experts note that surprisingly large number of people are unhappy, and that the society experiences states of resignation, weariness, apathy and depression. In diploma thesis construct of happiness is explored, which was formed in the post-modern society, based on the values of consumerism. Consumerism has exceeded its impact towards consumption and become a way of life, the meaning of functioning and a mode of individual self-expression; the formation of identity became tied to the consumption of goods and services. The desire for happiness is being transformed into a desire for immediate pleasure, which does not allow unplesant feelings. In that proces, it is forgotten that the individual's comprehensive development requires a whole range of emotions. It has however limited human experience to the extreme - happiness or unhappiness. In conclusion, there is dedicated space for social pedagogy, owning the knowledge of emotional processes and corresponding strategies, that can contribute to creation of more realistic concept of happiness.


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