
Stališča učiteljev do uporabe pristopa po konceptu realistične matematike pri poučevanju ulomkov v 4. razredu osnovne šole : magistrsko delo
ID Bizjak, Anja (Author), ID Hodnik, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Koncept realistične matematike (RME) opredeljuje učni pristop, ki se je začel razvijati okoli leta 1960 na Nizozemskem. Temelji na ideji, da učenci pri reševanju problemov, ki temeljijo na njihovih življenjskih izkušnjah, uporabijo svoje neformalne strategije in predznanje. Ob pomoči modelov in ponazoril sami izgrajujejo novo znanje ter postopoma prehajajo iz konkretnega na simbolni nivo razumevanja matematičnih idej. Učitelj ima pri tem vlogo usmerjevalca učnega procesa in ne posredovalca snovi. V magistrskem delu je predstavljen koncept realistične matematike (Realistic Mathematics Education – RME). Opisali smo glavne značilnosti koncepta realistične matematike, omenili rezultate najnovejših raziskav, ki proučujejo realistično matematiko, predstavili model poučevanja ulomkov po knjigi Fractions in Realistic Mathematics Education (Streefland, 1991) ter predstavili naš pristop poučevanja ulomkov v 4. razredu, ki smo ga oblikovali po konceptu RME. V empiričnem delu magistrskega dela je prikazana analiza 6 intervjujev z učitelji razrednega pouka, ki poučujejo v 4. razredu osnovne šole. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kako učitelji obravnavajo ulomke v 4. razredu osnovne šole ter kakšna stališča imajo učitelji do pristopa poučevanja ulomkov v 4. razredu, ki smo ga oblikovali po konceptu RME. Rezultati so pokazali, da učitelji za poučevanje še vedno uporabljajo transmisijski model poučevanja ter da so jim v veliko oporo učbeniki in delovni zvezki. V našem pristopu poučevanja, ki je oblikovan po konceptu RME, vidijo tako prednosti kot slabosti. Predstavljen pristop se jim zdi dober predvsem zato, ker spodbujanja razmišljanje, sodelovanje, utemeljevanje, samostojnost učencev, argumentiranje, logično mišljenje ter to, da so učenci aktivni in sami izgrajujejo svoje znanje. Izpostavili so tudi, da se jim zdi naš pristop odličen za učno uspešnejše učence. Kot slabosti vidijo predvsem količino učitejeve priprave, saj je potrebno za oblikovanje ustreznih matematičnih problemov veliko razmisleka. Prav tako se jim zdijo predstavljeni matematični problemi zahtevni in premalo postopni.

Keywords:koncept realistične matematike, RME, ulomki, realistični problemi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[A. Bizjak]
Number of pages:93 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-83701 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11049545 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.08.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Teachers' attitudes towards realistic mathematics education approach with fractions in year 4 primary school students
Realistic mathematics education (RME) is a way of teaching, which has been developed in the Netherlands around 1960. It is based on the idea that children are solving mathematical problems, which are connected to their life experiences, with informal mathematical strategies and prior knowledge. With the help of models and illustrations they build their knowledge on their own and gradually pass from concrete stage of understanding mathematics to understanding mathematics in a symbolic way. A teacher is just a guide during the learning process and helps children to stay on the right track but he isn't a source of information. In master's thesis the RME approach is presented. We described basic characteristics of the approach and some new researches which are connected to RME approach. We also presented the model of teaching fractions with RME approach based on the book Fractions in Realistic Mathematics Education (Streefland, 1991) and our approach of teaching fractions in 4th grade based on RME approach. The empirical part of the master's thesis shows the findings of the analysis of 6 interviews with primary teachers, who teach in 4th grade. The purpose of the study was to find out how teachers teach fractions in 4th grade and to determine teacher's attitude towards our approach of teaching fractions based on RME approach. The results showed that the most common way of teaching is still transmission approach using textbooks and workbooks. In our approach based on RME, teachers saw advantages and disadvantages. Teachers believe that our approach is good because it encourages the thinking process, cooperation, vindication, children's autonomy, argumentation, logical thinking and the idea that children are active and building their own knowledge. Teachers also think that our approach is excellent for gifted students. As disadvantages they see mostly the amount of work for preparation, because you need to think a lot to design appropriate mathematical problems. They also think that our mathematical problems are difficult and not gradual enough.


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