
Dostop do raziskovalnih rezultatov v doktoratih : magistrsko delo s prilogami na CD-ROM-u
ID Češarek, Ana (Author), ID Južnič, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 8F113FC3E85C28E9666A7E1AF0C976C1
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/e9c4650d-af3b-4ddb-891c-7450baf3b638

V magistrski nalogi smo raziskali možnosti dostopa do raziskovalnih rezultatov doktoratov. Tiskani doktorati vsebujejo raziskovalne podatke, ki so pogosto spregledani, saj se nahajajo v prilogah. V e-okolju lahko raziskovalni podatki postanejo dragocen vir, če so odloženi in upravljani v ustrezni obliki, ki omogoča souporabo. Na vzorcu 226 doktoratov z desetih področij Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani iz obdobja 2010-2015 smo analizirali raziskovalne podatke v prilogah. 63% vseh doktoratov vsebuje priloge, razlike v disciplinah so v obsegu prilog in tipih predstavitve podatkov. Arheologija in umetnostna zgodovina sta disciplini z najobsežnejšimi prilogami, filozofija in psihologija pa z najmanj obsežnimi. V drugem delu raziskave smo z bibliometrijsko analizo na vzorcu 112 doktorjev znanosti, ki so doktorirali leta 2013 na desetih oddelkih Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani, ugotavljali, koliko izvirnih znanstvenih člankov in znanstvenih monografij so objavili v času študija in obdobju do treh let po zagovoru doktorata. Podatke smo pridobili v sistemu Sicris. Ugotovili smo, da je samo 53 doktorjev znanosti objavilo vsaj en izvirni znanstveni članek, samo 18 pa vsaj eno znanstveno monografijo. 53 doktorjev znanosti je skupaj objavilo 210 izvirnih znanstvenih člankov, od tega jih je samo polovica izšla v revijah, indeksiranih v Scopus in/ali Web of Science. Ker so raziskovalni rezultati doktoratov tako slabo dostopni, je še bolj pomembno, da visokošolske knjižnice sodelujejo v procesu oddaje doktoratov in raziskovalnih podatkov v odprte repozitorije in podatkovne arhive. Visokošolske knjižnice so bile vedno ključne za ohranjanje znanstvene komunikacije. To vlogo bodo ohranile, če bodo prevzele upravljanje in ohranjanje tudi raziskovalnih podatkov ter tako povečale možnosti dostopa do njih.

Keywords:siva literatura, doktorske disertacije, raziskovalni podatki, odprti dostop, bibliometrična analiza, informacijski viri, visokošolske kinjižnice, bolonjske magistrske naloge
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[ A. Češarek]
Number of pages:81 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-83576 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:60859746 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.06.2016
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We have conducted a research to check different options to access the research results of dissertations. Print dissertations contain research data which are often overlooked as they can be found in appendices. In the E-Environment they can become a valuable source if they are managed and preserved in an appropriate form, which enables them to be reused and the data can be shared. The research is based on the assessment of 226 dissertation appendices from ten disciplines (humanities and social science) submitted between 2010 and 2015 at the Faculty of Arts, the University of Ljubljana, from which we obtained the empirical evidence of what types of research data they contain. The results showed that 63% of dissertations contain appendices with some sort of research data; the appendices of different disciplines vary in scope and the data presentation types. The appendices within Archeology and Art History are the most extensive, while the least extensive appendices are found within Philosophy. In the second part a bibliometric analysis has been made to find out how many scientific articles and monographs were published by 112 authors of dissertations in 5 years. All the data have been acquired from Slovenian Current Information System (Sicris). Only 53 authors had published at least one scientific article and only 18 authors had published a scientific monograph based on research results from dissertations. 53 authors had published 210 scientific articles altogether and only a half of them had been published in scientific journals indexed in Scopus or Web of Science. As the research results of dissertations are not easily accessible, we suggest that the university libraries offer assistance and advice for PhD students in managing their research data and help them publish in open repositories and open data archives. The university libraries have always played a vital role in preserving scientific communication. They will keep this role by managing, preserving and, therefore, providing easier access to research data as well.

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