
ID OREHEK, JANEZ (Author), ID Atanasijević-Kunc, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 0B170A3A367EABB458371E049B409C78
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/d137c595-d2ba-4667-92a3-93ca0076b754

Klimatizacija prostorov, v katerih se zadržujemo ali bivamo, zahteva primerno pripravo zraka, da se dobro počutimo in da naše zdravje pri tem ni ogroženo. To pomeni, da moramo glede na letni čas zrak, ki v prostore vstopa, ogreti ali hladiti, po potrebi vlažiti in s prezračevanjem hkrati zagotavljati, da je nivo ogljikovega dioksida dovolj nizek. Poleg tega sodobni pristopi k izvedbi klimatizacije zahtevajo tudi optimizacijo porabe energije in spremljanje varnostnih parametrov, pri čemer imamo v mislih možnost nastanka požara, ki ga ugotavljamo z namestitvijo ustreznih dimnih senzorjev in požarne centrale. Spremljanje velikega števila veličin, njihovo vodenje in arhiviranje ter možnost poseganja v delovanje klimatizacijskega sistema z oddaljenih lokacij, zahteva ustrezno izbiro strojne in programske opreme in seveda povezavo vseh komponent v enovit sistem, katerega delovanje v sedanjih razmerah najpogosteje uravnavamo s pomočjo centralnega nadzornega sistema. V diplomski nalogi smo predstavili vse faze projekta načrtovanja klimatizacije Medpodjetniškega izobraževalnega centra Maribor. V prvem delu smo opisali kriterije in zahteve, ki smo jih morali pri načrtovanju upoštevati. Sledi opis izbire strojne in programske opreme in njenih glavnih značilnosti, ki so ključne za izvedbo projekta. V fazi gradnje se je pomembno zavedati, da je za uspešno rabo nameščenih naprav ključno, da je delo z realiziranim sistemom pregledno in kjer je mogoče, tudi enostavno. Po izvedenem projektu smo realizirali tudi testiranje delovanja, odpravili manjše težave in izvedeni projekt uspešno predali naročniku. Tako načrtovan projekt seveda predstavlja hkrati tudi pomembno referenco za pridobivanje nadaljnjih naročil.

Keywords:klimatizacija, ogrevanje, hlajenje, prezračevanje, vodenje, centralni nadzorni sistem (SCADA)
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-83515 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.06.2016
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Room air-conditioning demands coresponding air preparation. This means that air need to be healthy and enables to feel comfortable. Depending on a season such conditions demand air heating or cooling before entering the room and in adition, if needed, air has to be also humidified. At the same tame it is necessary to ensure low level of carbon dioxide by ventilation. Modern approaches of the implementation of the air-conditioning require energy optimization and monitoring safety parameters. We need to have in mind the possibility of fire, which can be identified by the appropriate smoke sensors and fire stations. Monitoring a large number of variables, their management and archiving as well as the possibility to control the operation of the air-conditioning system from remote locations, require an appropriate choice of hardware and software. We connected all components in a single system, which is controlled by supervisory control and data acquisition system. In the diploma thesis planing and design of air-conditioning system is presented for Medpodjetniški izobraževalni center Maribor. In the first part the criteria and requirements of the project are described. The next part presents the selection of corresponding hardware and software equipment and all important properties. In the construction phase, it is important to have in mind that the system has to be organized transparently and as simple as possible. After the construction phase the system's operation was tested and minor problems were solved succesfully. The system is used now and such it represents also an important reference to our company.

Keywords:air-conditioning, heating, cooling, ventilation, control, supervisory control and data acquisition system (SCADA)

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