The diploma thesis describes research and realzation of one of the keyfeautures of subassembly of the SLT ophtalmology laser system. There is also described temperature stabilisation of laser KTP crystal with microcontroller Atmel ATmega8A, because KTP crystal is temperature most unstable component in system. It can convert 1.064 nm of wavelenght form YAG laser, to 532 nm.
Based on outside potentional customer techincal specifications company Robomed d.o.o. has developed unique laser sistem , which eye surgeon can use for variety of clinical applications. In our case there was demand for implementation of all optomechanic components into housing of portable slit lamp. Such kind of system represent smallest unit on the world in this moment, which is big advantage comparing to competition.
For stabile output characteristics it is crucial that crystal temperature doesn't oscillate. Next we have explained all crucial components, which are responsibile for regulation of crystal temperature. Mikroprocesor is comunicating with key components in loop by I2C protocole. Next chapters are describing develope of hardware and software. Results are describing PI controler and course of temperature regulation. For defining PI parameters we have measured response on input step in open-loop sistem. To do this, we sent data from controler to computer.