
Poklicni in organizacijski viri stresa pri svetovalnih delavcih v osnovni šoli
ID Marn Kosin, Urša (Author), ID Rapuš Pavel, Jana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3501/ This link opens in a new window

Vloga svetovalnega delavca v osnovni šoli je zelo raznolika in dostikrat tudi konfliktna ter nejasna, v odvisnosti od organizacijske strukture šole pa velikokrat tudi neavtonomna in podrejena administrativnim potrebam šole. Delovna obremenjenost, pogoji dela in tudi komunikacija z ostalimi podsistemi v šoli pri svetovalnih delavcih vplivajo na nivo stresa, ki ga ti zaznavajo. V nalogi prikažem vpetost svetovalnega delavca v življenje in delo v osnovni šoli ter kompleksnost njegovega dela. Opredelim stres, njegove simptome in posledice ter opišem bolj in manj funkcionalne strategije soočanja s stresnimi situacijami. Pri delovnem stresu svetovalnih delavcev se posvetim zlasti poklicnim in organizacijskim virom stresa. V empiričnem delu ugotavljam nivo zaznanega stresa med svetovalnimi delavci iz osnovnih šol iz vseh slovenskih regij, povezanost med nivojem zaznanega stresa, poklicnimi in organizacijskimi viri stresa ter strategijami spoprijemanja, ki jih uporabljajo svetovalni delavci pri soočanju s stresnimi okoliščinami. Zanima me tudi zaznani stres glede na nekatere demografske kazalce in izbrane individualne dejavnike. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 170 svetovalnih delavcev (97,1 % jih je bilo ženskega spola) iz vseh slovenskih regij. Rezultati so pokazali, da delovno mesto svetovalnega delavca doživlja stresno 74,1 % vprašanih. Pri ugotavljanju poklicnih in organizacijskih virov stresa izstopajo prevelika količina administrativnega dela, časovni pritiski, preobremenjenost z različnimi vlogami, konfliktnost vlog in težavnost delovne problematike. Med strategijami soočanja svetovalni delavci najbolj pogosto uporabljajo aktivno soočanje s stresnimi situacijami.

Keywords:svetovalni delavec
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-83446 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11039817 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.08.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Professional and organizational sources of stress in primary school counselors
The counsellor's role in primary school is very diverse, often also conflicting and ambiguous. Depending on the school's organizational structure it is often also non-autonomous and subordinate to the administrative needs of the school. The workload, working conditions, and communication with other school subsystems impact the stress levels that counsellors perceive. This work represents the counsellor's involvement in life and work of the primary school and complexity of his work. Further, I define stress, its symptoms and consequences, and describe more and less functional strategies of coping with stressful situations. With counsellor's work stress, I mainly focus on professional and organizational sources of stress. In the empirical part, I determine the level of the perceived stress among primary school counsellors from all regions of Slovenia, the correlation between the level of perceived stress and professional and organizational sources of stress, as well as the strategies used by the school counsellors when confronting stressful circumstances. Furthermore, I explore the perceived stress regarding some demographic indicators and selected individual aspects. The study included 170 counsellors (97.1% of females) from all Slovene regions. The results showed, that 74.1% of the counsellors participating in the study experience their work position as stressful. Among professional and organizational sources of stress, excessive amounts of administrative work, time pressure, and overload with various roles, role conflicts and hardship of the work cases are the most prominent. Among coping strategies counsellors most frequently use active confrontation with stressful situations.


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