
Opazovanje in ocenjevanje otrokovih predopismenjevalnih veščin
ID Kanalec, Tjaša (Author), ID Ozbič, Martina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3500/ This link opens in a new window

Z raziskavo smo želeli osvetliti pomen zgodnjega odkrivanja in obravnave otrok, ki že v predšolskem obdobju kažejo odstopanja na posameznih področjih razvoja, povezanih s predopismenjevalnimi spretnostmi, niso pa ti otroci nujno usmerjeni kot otroci s posebnimi potrebami. Opažamo, da lahko vzgojiteljice na osnovi svojega strokovnega znanja že v predšolskem obdobju prepoznajo otroke z odstopanji na nekaterih področjih razvoja. Nekateri otroci, ki sicer niso usmerjeni v predšolski program s prilagojenim izvajanjem in z dodatno strokovno pomočjo, bi namreč potrebovali določeno obliko skrbi, pomoči, podpore oz. spodbude, ki bi jim pomagala pri razvoju predopismenjevalnih veščin že pred vstopom v šolo. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 200 predšolskih otrok s področja Goriške, starih od štiri do sedem let. Predopismenjevalne veščine smo opisali z uporabo vprašalnika za oblikovanje profila otroka pred vstopom v šolo (Ozbič, Kogovšek, Zver in Ferluga, 2011, v Ozbič, Kogovšek, Zver, Novšak Brce in Vališer, 2012), ki pokriva področja pozornosti, koncentracije, motorike, komunikacije, govorno-jezikovnega izražanja in razumevanja, verbalnega spomina, grafično-vidno zaznavnega področja, percepcije in imenovanja barv, časovne in prostorske orientacije, metaliterarnih veščin, predopismenjevalnih veščin, grafemskega zavedanja, predmatematičnih veščin ter metakognicije. Podatki so pokazali visoko zanesljivost vprašalnika (koeficient Cronbach alfa 0,991). Ugotovili smo, da je vprašalnik objektiven in veljaven (kriterijska veljavnost, faktorska analiza). Določili smo percentilne vrednosti in dobljene rezultate primerjali s predhodnimi raziskavami. S pomočjo t-testa smo ugotovili statistično pomembne razlike pri točkovanju z vprašalnikom med dvema skupinama otrok: tistih, ki odstopajo (ES1 in ES2), in tistih, ki ne odstopajo po mnenju vzgojiteljice (KS). Izračunali smo analizo variance (ANOVA) med tremi skupinami otrok (ES1, ES2 in KS). Zaradi nehomogenosti varianc smo uporabili alternativni preizkusa Welch, izvedli smo test post hoc Games-Howell in upoštevali tveganje, manjše od 0,05. Rezultati so pokazali statistično pomembne razlike med posameznimi skupinami otrok pri točkovanju z vprašalnikom. Razlike med tremi skupinami ES1, ES2 in KS smo izračunali s pomočjo diskriminantne analize. Relativen doprinos vsake spremenljivke k tvorjenju diskriminantnih funkcij smo ugotavljali z izračunom koeficientov diskriminacije in koeficientov korelacije vsake spremenljivke z diskriminantnima funkcijama. Ugotovili smo, da so razlike med skupinami statistično pomembne in da so v našem primeru najpomembnejše kompozitne spremenljivke govorno-jezikovno izražanje in razumevanje, pozornost in koncentracija ter komunikacija in sociopragmatika. Razlike med skupinama smo ugotavljali s pomočjo centroidov, ki so se med seboj razlikovali, kar je pokazalo na dobro razlikovanje med skupinami. Na osnovi oblikovanega prediktorskega modela manifestnih spremenljivk smo določili pripadnost vzorcu za otroke iz treh skupin. Ugotovili smo, da je s pomočjo izbranega sistema spremenljivk pravilno uvrščenih 95 % otrok, in sicer: 100 % otrok, ki so usmerjeni (ES2), 92 % otrok, ki po oceni vzgojiteljic odstopajo v razvoju, vendar niso usmerjeni (ES1), in 96 % otrok, o katerih so bile vzgojiteljice mnenja, da ne odstopajo v razvoju (KS). Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da obstajajo razlike v profilu veščin med skupinami otrok, ki so usmerjeni (ES2), otrok, za katere vzgojiteljice opažajo odstopanja na določenih področjih razvoja, vendar niso usmerjeni (ES1), in skupino otrok brez posebnosti v razvoju (KS). Na tak način smo opisali predopismenjevalne veščine 200 otrok na Goriškem, analizirali zanesljivost, veljavnost, objektivnost in občutljivost vprašalnika ter rezultate primerjali z že obstoječimi raziskavami, ki so uporabile testni vprašalnik. Dobljeni podatki so lahko osnova za predlog modela za presejalno odkrivanje otrok, ki izkazujejo manj razvite predopismenjevalne veščine in so potencialno rizični za kasnejši razvoj učnih težav. Zgodnje odkrivanje potencialno rizičnih otrok bi pripomoglo k učinkovitejši organizaciji zgodnje obravnave otrok na področju predopismenjevalnih veščin in povečanju uspešnosti nudene pomoči. To bi pozitivno vplivalo na razvoj zgodnje specialnopedagoške in rehabilitacijske obravnave otrok z vidika predopismenjevalnih spretnosti.

Keywords:predšolsko obdobje
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-83443 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11040073 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.08.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Observation and assessment of children's pre-literacy skills
With this research we wanted to highlight the importance of early detection and treatment of children, who already in the preschool period show deviations or delays in individual areas of development associated with pre-literacy skills, but they are not necessarily classified as children with special needs. We note that kindergarten teachers on the basis of their expertise can identify deviations or delays in certain areas of development in pre-school children. Some children, who are not directed in the pre-school program with adjusted implementation and additional professional assistance, would namely require some form of care, assistance, and support or incentive that would assist them in developing pre-literacy skills before entering school. The study included 200 preschool children in the area of Goriška, aged four to seven years. We described pre-literacy skills with the use of the questionnaire to create a profile of a child before entering school (Ozbič, Kogovšek, Zver in Ferluga, 2011, v Ozbič, Kogovšek, Zver, Novšak Brce in Vališer, 2012), covering the areas of attention, concentration, motor skills, communication, speech-language expression and comprehension, verbal memory, graphic-visual sensory area, perception and labelling of colours, time and spatial orientation, metaliterature skills, pre-literacy skills, graphemic awareness, pre-math skills and metacognition. The data showed high reliability of the questionnaire (Cronbach alpha coefficient of 0.991). We stated that the questionnaire is objective and valid (the criterion validity, factor analysis). We determined the percentile values and the results obtained compared with previous surveys. Through the t-test we found statistically significant difference in the scoring with the questionnaire between the two groups of children: those who deviate (EG1 and EG2), and those that do not vary according to the teachers (CG). We calculated the analysis of variance (ANOVA) among the three groups of children (EG1, EG2 and CG). Due to the inhomogeneity of variances was used Welch alternative experiment, we carried out a test post hoc Games-Howell and took into account the risk of less than 0.05. The results showed statistically significant differences between separate groups of children in the scoring with the questionnaire. Differences between the three groups EG1, EG2 and CG were calculated using the discriminant analysis. The relative contribution of each variable to produce discriminant function was assessed by calculating the coefficients of discrimination and correlation coefficients of each variable with discriminant functions. We stated that differences between the groups were statistically significant, and that in our case the most important composite variables were speech-language expression and comprehension, attention and concentration as well as communication and socio-pragmatism. The differences between the groups were determined by using centroids, which differed and as such showed a good distinction between the groups. Based on the designed predicting model of overt variables we determined belonging to a sample for children from the three groups. We stated that by using the selected system of variables 95% of children were correctly classified: namely 100% of children who had been classified (EG2), 92% of children who estimated by kindergarten teachers differ in development, but are not classified (EG1), and 96% of children, of which the kindergarten teachers consider that they do not deviate or have delays in development (CG). The results showed that there are differences in the profile of skills between the groups of children who are classified (EG2), children for whom kindergarten teachers noticed deviations or delays in certain areas of development, but they are not classified (EG1), and a group of children with no special features in development (CG).In this way we described pre-literacy skills of 200 children in the area of Goriška, analysed the reliability, validity, objectivity and sensitivity of the questionnaire and compared the results with the existing studies that had used a test questionnaire.The resulting data can be the basis for a model suggestion for the screening detection of children who exhibit less developed pre-literacy skills and the potential risk for the later development of learning disabilities. Early detection of children who are potentially at high-risk would contribute to a more efficient organization of early treatment of children in the area of pre-literacy skills and increase the successfulness of provided assistance. This would have a positive impact on the development of early special-pedagogical and rehabilitation treatment of children in terms of pre-literacy skills.

Keywords:preschool period

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