
Ohranjanje in varovanje kulturne dediščine pri pouku likovne vzgoje
ID Potočnik, Robert (Author), ID Tacol, Tonka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Torkar, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3495/ This link opens in a new window

V pričujoči raziskavi smo preučili vzgojno-izobraževalno delovanje na področju ohranjanja in varovanja kulturne dediščine pri učiteljih v osnovni šoli, ki izvajajo pouk likovne vzgoje. Obravnavamo problem ozaveščenosti in usposobljenosti učiteljev za poučevanje vsebin o ohranjanju in varovanju kulturne dediščine ter učinke poučevanja učencev na ravni zmožnosti učencev za kritično presojanje in vrednotenje kulturne dediščine, njenega ohranjanja in varovanja ter njihove likovne ustvarjalnosti, pri čemer so nam v pomoč različne učne metode in oblike dela, ustrezni učni mediji, likovni materiali ter načini likovnega izražanja v učnem procesu. Pomembna je celostna izvedba učnih vsebin na posamezni razvojni stopnji, ki zajema tudi obravnavo problematike ohranjanja in varovanja kulturne dediščine. Če je učitelj usposobljen, ozaveščen in odgovoren ter vključuje tudi te vsebine v pouk, dolgoročno prispeva h krepitvi narodove samobitnosti in kulturne istovetnosti pri vsakem učencu. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 125 učiteljev s področja celotne Slovenije, ki poučujejo likovno vzgojo, ter 61 učencev 6. razredov treh osnovnih šol iz različnih pokrajin v Sloveniji in njihovi likovni pedagogi. Cilji prvega dela raziskave so bili ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri in na kašen način se vsebine o ohranjanju in varovanju kulturne dediščine vključujejo v pouk likovne vzgoje, kakšna so učiteljeva stališča do omenjenih vsebin, kakšna je njihova pripravljenost za vključevanje teh vsebin ter kakšne so učiteljeve potrebe po dodatnem izobraževanju za poučevanje učencev o ohranjanju in varovanju kulturne dediščine. V drugem delu (akcijskem delu) raziskave pa so bili cilji usmerjeni v izboljšanje učiteljeve usposobljenosti ter učenčeve zmožnosti doseganja učnih ciljev v okviru likovnih nalog z vsebino o ohranjanju in varovanju kulturne dediščine. Podatke prvega dela raziskave smo obdelali s statističnim programom SPSS 18.0. Za stališča in vedenja do ohranjanja in varovanja kulturne dediščine ter stališča in vedenje do obravnave vsebin pri pouku likovne vzgoje je bila izračunana deskriptivna in inferenčna statistika. Za ugotavljanje razlik med učitelji glede na spremenljivko poklic smo uporabili Levene preizkus homogenosti varianc (F-preizkus) in t-preizkus za neodvisne vzorce. Izračunali smo povprečno vrednost (aritmetično sredino) in relativno mero razpršenosti (standardni odklon) za analizo stališč do ohranjanja in varovanja kulturne dediščine, vedenja do kulturne dediščine, njenega ohranjanja in varovanja ter stališča in vedenje do obravnave vsebin pri pouku likovne vzgoje. Akcijska raziskava je potekala v treh krogih. Zajemala je načrtovanje, izvedbo in analizo učnega procesa ter sprotno anketiranje učenčevega odnosa do kulturne dediščine, ozaveščenost o njeni ogroženosti, ohranjanju in varovanju ter analizo likovne ustvarjalnosti učencev in zmožnosti kritičnega presojanja in vrednotenja pomembnosti ohranjanja in varovanja kulturne dediščine. Iz raziskave je mogoče razbrati, da učitelji potrebujejo izpopolnjevanja ter učna sredstva, s pomočjo katerih bi lahko lažje poenotili informacije in dejstva s področja ohranjanja in varovanja kulturne dediščine s ciljem razvijanja učenčevega odgovornega in pozitivnega odnosa ohranjanja in varovanja kulturne dediščine. Raziskavo smo spremljali s pomočjo kvalitativnih tehnik: neposredno opazovanje v razredih, sprotno učenčevo anketiranje, posredovanje vprašalnikov učiteljem in učencem po vsakem akcijskem krogu ter zapisovanje podatkov (delovni zapisi, fotografije, zvočno snemanje, likovni izdelki). Izsledki raziskave so pokazali, da so bile izpeljane izboljšave uspešne, saj se je pokazal napredek učencev v pozitivnem in odgovornem odnosu do ohranjanja in varovanja kulturne dediščine ter v likovni ustvarjalnosti pri oblikovanju likovnih izdelkov, prav tako pa tudi učiteljevo večjo usposobljenost za organiziranje likovne dejavnosti ter njegovo večjo odgovornost za uspešno poučevanje učencev o omenjeni problematiki.

Keywords:pouk likovne vzgoje
Work type:Dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-83412 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11036233 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.08.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Conservation and protection of cultural heritage in fine art classes
In the present study we have analysed educational activities related to the field of conservation and protection of cultural heritage and conducted by primary schools teachers at fine art classes. This paper deals with the problem of awareness and training of teachers for teaching various contents concerning the conservation and protection of cultural heritage and with effects of teaching pupils according to the level of their capacity for critical judgment and evaluation of cultural heritage, its preservation and protection, and according to their artistic creativity, with the help of various teaching methods and forms of work, relevant teaching media, fine art materials and methods of artistic expression used in the educational process. It is important to comprehensively implement these learning contents at each developmental stage and to include a discussion on the problems of preserving and protecting the cultural heritage. If a teacher is qualified, informed and responsible and therefore includes these contents into the teaching process, this can in the long term contribute to the strengthening of national and cultural identity with each pupil. The study included 125 teachers who teach fine art classes in primary and upper level elementary education in Slovenia and 61 sixth grade pupils from three elementary schools from different Slovene regions and their fine art teachers. The objectives of the first part of the research were to determine to what extent and in what manner the contents on the conservation and protection of cultural heritage are included into fine art classes, what the teachers' views on these contents are, how willing they are to integrate these topics into their lessons and what additional training the teachers require in order to teach pupils about the conservation and protection of cultural heritage. In the second part of the research (action research) the objectives were aimed at improving the teachers’ qualifications and the pupils’ ability to achieve the objectives set at fine art classes with the contents related to the conservation and protection of cultural heritage. The data from the first part of the research were processed with the SPSS 18.0 statistical program. For the attitudes and actions related to the conservation and protection of cultural heritage and the attitudes and actions related to including these contents into fine art classes, we have calculated the descriptive and inferential statistics. To identify the differences between teachers in relation to the profession variable the Levene test of homogeneity of variance (F-test) and the t-test for independent samples were used. We have calculated the average (arithmetic mean) and the relative measure of dispersion (standard deviation) for the analysis of attitudes related to the conservation and protection of cultural heritage, attitudes related to cultural heritage, its conservation and protection and the attitudes and actions related to including these contents into fine art classes. Action research was carried out in three rounds. It covered the planning, implementation and analysis of the learning process and a concurrent survey of pupils’ attitudes towards cultural heritage, the awareness of its endangerment, conservation and protection, and an analysis of the students’ artistic creativity and the ability of critical assessment and evaluation of the importance of conservation and protection of cultural heritage. Research has shown that teachers need training in the field of conservation and protection of cultural heritage and teaching aids to help them confidently unify information and facts and transfer those into the curriculum with an aim to help develop the pupils’ positive attitudes towards these issues. The study was monitored by means of qualitative techniques: direct observation in the classroom, the pupils’ concurrent survey, forwarding the questionnaires to teachers and students after every round of action research as well as data recording (work sheets, pictures, sound recording, fine art products). The survey showed progress in the pupils’ positive and responsible attitude towards preservation and protection of cultural heritage, in the design of their fine art work, as well as in the teachers’ increased ability to organize fine art activities and their greater responsibility for successfully teaching pupils about the aforementioned issues.

Keywords:fine art class

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