
Električno gnana rolka
ID Jereb, Jan (Author), ID Vončina, Danijel (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 4FB350C0DDA08F4B1F6C91012AF090C8
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/d19efdad-4fe1-4b77-a41c-be4240d3973b

V magistrskem delu je opisan razvoj električno gnane rolke. V prvem delu je podan pregled že znanih rešitev proizvajalcev električno gnanih rolk. Zgledovali smo se po teh rešitvah in poleg tega zbrali dodatne informacije o sestavi in pogonu rolke. Iz njih smo izluščili najpomembnejše in izdelali prvi koncept električno gnane rolke. Sledilo je konstruiranje podvozja, enega pomembnejših sklopov rolke. Sem spadajo kolesa, prenosni mehanizem in električni motor. Opisan je vsak posamezen sklop podvozja in končni sestav. Izbira motorja je eden ključnih dejavnikov, saj mora razviti dovolj velik navor in delovati z visokim izkoristkom. Za to nalogo smo izbrali elektronsko komutiran stroj, saj izmed vseh izvedb strojev najbolje ustreza našim zahtevam. Ker je motor elektronsko komutiran, je treba poznati položaj rotorja, ki smo ga določali s pomočjo Hallovih sond. Delo smo nadaljevali z načrtovanjem krmilne enote, ki se nahaja na rolki. Glavna krmilna enota skrbi za pravilno krmiljenje motorja ter za povezavo med daljinskim upravljalnikom in rolko. Uporabnik tako lahko uravnava željeni navor motorja in s tem hitrost rolke. Podrobno so predstavljeni in opisani posamezni deli glavne krmilne enote. Na njej se nahaja tudi Bluetooth mikrokrmilnik, ki skrbi za brezžično povezavo med rolko in daljinskim upravljalnikom. Vključili smo dodatno možnost povezovanja več glavnih krmilnih enot v celoto. Tako lahko dodamo pogonski sklop in s tem povečamo moč električno gnane rolke, kar je dobrodošlo pri, npr., vožnji v klanec. Podrobno so opisani tiskano vezje glavne krmilne enote ter izdelava in razvoj Bluetooth daljinskega upravljalnika. Uporabili smo ohišje igralne konzole Wii in ga prilagodili našim potrebam, prav tako je elektronsko vezje daljinskega upravljalnika posebej izdelano za naše potrebe. Nadalje sledijo še meritve izdelanih vezij in samo preizkušanje električno gnane rolke.

Keywords:električno gnana rolka, EKM motor, Bluetooth, podvozje, Hallovi senzorji, tranzistorji, prožilno vezje, tiskano vezje, glavna krmilna enota, daljinski upravljalnik.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-83408 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.06.2016
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Title:Electric powered longboard
The diploma thesis describes a development of electrically powered longboard. An overview of known solutions regarding electrically powered longboards is presented in the first part. We tried to gather as much information as possible about the composition and electrical drive of longboards. From all this information, we extracted the most important ones and prepared the first concept. The construction of the chassis, which is one of the most important parts of longboard, is described. It comprises of wheels, the transmission mechanism and electric motor. Each individual set of chassis and a final configuration are described. Selection of the engine is a key factor. It must develop sufficient torque and has to operate with high efficiency. For this task, a BLDC motor was chosen. Since the motor is electronically commutated, it is necessary to know the rotor position. Therefore, a Hall position sensor was implemented. After the completion of the chassis, we started the development of the control unit which is located on the longboard. The main control unit is responsible for the proper control of the motor. Thus, the user can control the torque of the engine and speed of the longboard. The individual parts of the main control unit are shown separately and described in detail. A Bluetooth microcontroller is a part of the main control unit which provides wireless link between a longboard and a remote control. We added the possibility to connect several control units together, therefore the nominal power of the longboard can be increased. After this, a printed circuit board, the construction and development of the Bluetooth remote control unit are described. We used the Wii game console casing and adapt it to our needs. The electronic circuit of the remote control is also specially designed to fit our needs. Finally, several measurements of manufactured circuits and tests of electrically powered longboard have been made.

Keywords:Longboard, BLDC motor, Bluetooth, chassis, Hall sensors, transistors, driver, printed circuit board, main control unit, remote control.

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