
Prehod otrok s posebnimi potrebami iz vrtca v šolo
ID Purkat, Maja (Author), ID Jerman, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pulec Lah, Suzana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3478/ This link opens in a new window

V magistrskem delu sem obravnavala problematiko prehoda iz vrtca v šolo za otroke s posebnimi potrebami. Najprej sem predstavila pojem prehoda oziroma tranzicije na splošno, nato pa sem se bolj osredotočila na obdobje, ko otroci prvič vstopajo v šolo. Opisala sem dva prevladujoča pristopa do tranzicije v času prvega vstopa v šolo – pripravljenost na šolo in tranzicijo z vidika ekološkega modela. Predstavila sem, zakaj lahko prehod v šolo predstavlja oviro, kaj lahko ta prehod otežuje in kakšne so splošne in specifične aktivnosti, ki jih predlagajo različni avtorji, da bi otrokom olajšali prehod v šolo. Vstop v šolo namreč lahko predstavlja izziv že otrokom s tipičnim razvojem, še večje težave pa imajo lahko otroci s posebnimi potrebami. Predstavila pa sem tudi ugotovitve raziskav, ki jih je možno zaslediti na tem področju. Glede na to, da je večina literature na temo prehoda tuje in med slovensko literaturo lahko najdemo le malo informacij s tega področja, je bil moj glavni raziskovalni problem empiričnega dela ugotoviti, kako je za otroke s posebnimi potrebami na prehodu iz vrtca v šolo poskrbljeno v Sloveniji. V empiričnem delu sem osvetlila problematiko z različnih vidikov s pomočjo informacij različnih udeležencev v tem procesu. Podatke sem pridobila s pomočjo intervjujev skupno enajstih udeležencev (svetovalnih delavcev vrtca in osnovne šole ter staršev). Z vprašanji sem skušala ugotoviti, kakšne aktivnosti za olajšanje prehoda izvajajo pred vstopom v šolo v vrtcu in kakšne v šoli po vstopu. Zanimalo me je, komu so namenjene ter ali (in kako) šole in vrtci v procesu prehajanja v šolo sodelujejo. Svetovalne delavke so v intervjujih poročale o različnih pripravah, ki so jih omogočili otrokom/učencem, mame pa so pripovedovale, kakšnih aktivnosti so bili deležni njihovi otroci. Najpogosteje omenjena aktivnost so bili obiski vrtčevskih otrok v šoli. Priprave otrok s posebnimi potrebami so se večinoma bolj malo razlikovale od priprav celotne populacije otrok, ki se vključuje v šolo. Pri izbranih primerih so intervjuvanci veliko omenjali tudi izmenjavo vsaj osnovnih informacij o otrocih. Ta je pomembna tudi zaradi pravočasne priprave učiteljev in okolja na novega učenca. Kljub vsemu pa načrtovanje prehoda pri izbranih primerih ni bilo sistematično urejeno oziroma načrtovano, ampak se je izvajalo po potrebi. Izpostavljenih je bilo tudi kar nekaj dilem, ki bi jih verjetno z dobrim sodelovanjem in izmenjavo informacij lahko prebrodili. To bi bilo verjetno lažje izvedljivo, če bi v procesu tranzicije oziroma prehoda obstajal koordinator, ki bi bil povezovalni člen med vsemi udeleženimi. Čeprav ugotovitev zaradi majhnega števila sodelujočih ne morem posplošiti za celoten slovenski prostor, pa nam ugotovitve raziskave omogočajo vpogled v proces prehoda, trenutno dobro prakso in izzive, ter kaj je potrebno storiti, da bo vključevanje otrok s posebnimi potrebami v osnovne šole še uspešnejše in da bodo učenci deležni ustrezne podpore, ki jim bo omogočala lažji prehod skozi vse spremembe v obdobju prehoda iz vrtca v šolo.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-83221 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11029065 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.08.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Transition of special needs children from kindergarten to primary school
In my master's thesis, I dealt with the issue of transition of special needs children from kindergarten to school. First, I provided a general description of the term transition, and then I focused more on the period when children first enter school. I described two dominant approaches to transition of children when starting school – school readiness and transition in accordance with the ecological model. I showed why this transition to school may represent an obstacle, what may hinder the process of transition and what are the general and specific activities proposed by various authors that may make the transition easier. Namely, starting school can be challenging for children with typical development, let alone children with special needs, which may have even greater difficulties. I also presented research findings in this field. Given that, most literature on this subject is foreign in origin, for very little information can be found on this theme in the Slovene literature, my main research problem in the empirical part of the thesis was to establish what provisions are made for special needs children in Slovenia during their transition from kindergarten to school. In the empirical part of the thesis, I highlighted various aspect of this issue, using information from different people involved in this process. I gathered data by interviewing a total of eleven people (kindergarten and school counsellors, and parents). By asking questions, I tried to ascertain what activities are being carried out to make the transition easier in the kindergarten prior to starting school and in school after the school has started. I was interested in for whom they were intended and if (and how) schools and kindergartens cooperate during the transition process. In their interviews, school counsellors talked about various preparatory activities for the children/students, and mothers spoke of what activities were offered to their children. The most frequently mentioned activity was kindergarteners’ visiting schools. In the majority of cases, the preparation of special needs children did not differ greatly from that of the entire population of children entering school. In selected cases, interviewees often mentioned the exchange of at least basic information about children. This is also important so that teachers can prepare for the new student ahead of time, and adjust the learning environment accordingly. Nevertheless, the transition process in these selected cases has not been planned or systematically organized. Rather, it was done when necessary. Quite a few issues were pointed out which could probably be resolved through good cooperation and exchange of information. This would likely be easier if there was a coordinator for the period of transition, who would act as a liaison between all involved parties. Even though I am unable to generalize my findings to the entire Slovene territory due to the small number of people participating in the research, the findings do offer an insight into the process of transition, the current good practices and challenges. Additionally, it points to what must be done to make the transition of special needs children to primary school even more successful, so these children receive the appropriate support that will make it easier for them to face all the changes during this transition period from kindergarten to school.


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