
Ocenjevanje vrednosti nepremičnin pri umeščanju prostorskih ureditev državnega pomena v prostor
ID Mikulec Bizjak, Brigita (Author), ID Šubic-Kovač, Maruška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: A869AB21AF1976276C8A5CD4DE723174
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/ec29d028-2fc2-43eb-a1f6-e19d64e2124d

Namen magistrske naloge je analizirati obstoječe pravne predpise za namen odkupov nepremičnin za javno korist, način določanja odškodnin, nadomestil in ostalih stroškov v povezavi s prisilno prodajo ali razlastitvijo ob umeščanju prostorskih ureditev državnega pomena v prostor v Republiki Sloveniji. Najprej so analizirani pravni predpisi in standardi ocenjevanja vrednosti nepremičnin. Analizirana je tudi obstoječa praksa na tem področju, in sicer na podlagi izdelanih cenitvenih poročil in sodb sodišč. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da trenutno veljavni predpisi ne omogočajo enakovrednega obravnavanja lastnikov, da so cenitvena poročila pomanjkljiva in v splošnem ne dovolj utemeljena in obrazložena. V nadaljevanju je podrobno analiziran tudi prvi osnutek uredbe s tega področja. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da Uredba vzpostavlja nova pravila za ocenjevanje po principih posplošenih tržnih vrednosti. V zadnjem delu naloge je predstavljen Projekt razvoja metodologije ocenjevanja vrednosti nepremičnin. Izsledki analize kažejo, da so predlagane rešitve nove metodologije posamičnega vrednotenja nepremičnin neargumentirane in netransparentne ter lahko celo onemogočajo tržni pristop ocenjevanja vrednosti nepremičnin.

Keywords:lastninska pravica v javnem interesu, omejitve lastninske pravice, umeščanje državnih ureditev v prostor, ocenjevanje vrednosti nepremičnin za javni namen, razlastitev, prisilna prodaja, odškodnina, metodologija ocenjevanja nepremičnin, MSOV 2013
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[B. Mikulec Bizjak]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-83219 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7504481 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.07.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Real estate valuation at siting spatial arrangements of national importance
The purpose of the master’s thesis is to analyze the existing legal regulations for the purpose of redemptions of property for the public benefit, the method of determining compensation, allowances and other costs in connection with the forced sale or expropriation at siting the spatial Arrangements of National Importance in the area of the Republic of Slovenia. It is also analyzed existing practice in this area, based on the manufactured appraisal reports and court judgments. It was found that the current rules do not allow equal treatment of shareholders, appraised reports are deficient and generally not sufficiently justified and reasoned. The following is analyzed the first draft of the regulation in this area. It was found that the regulation establishes new rules for the assessment of the principles of the generalized market value. In the last part of the thesis presents a project to develop a methodology of evaluation of property values. The results of the analysis show’s that the proposed solutions are ungrounded and opaque, and in this way even prevent market approach to the assessment.

Keywords:public rights in the public interest, restriction of property rights, sitting spatial arrangements of national importance, real estate valuation, expropriation, forced sale, compensation, methodology valuation real estate, international evaluation standards 2013

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