
ID BEVK, MARTIN (Author), ID Možek, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 9E316DE594D239EFA9D04D5542A9255D
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/b472be06-a302-46cb-88c0-141cd3adf3b9

Diplomska naloga opisuje razvoj, izdelavo in realizacijo sistema za natančno merjenje volumna vode v rezervoarjih gasilskih vozil. Osnovna ideja delovanja sistema je zajeti podatke odklona rezervoarja iz vodoravne osi v smeri vožnje in v prečni smeri na vožnjo ter višino vodne gladine. Ti podatki se nato uporabijo pri izračunu volumna preostale vode v rezervoarju. Cilj naloge je bil izdelati elektronski sistem katerega osnova bo mikrokrmilnik, senzorji za zajem in pretvorbo tlaka ter odklona, podatki so prikazani na grafičnem prikazovalniku. Prvi del opisuje meritve višine tekočih medijev. Opredeljene so njihove lastnosti, prednosti in slabosti ter način uporabe kot del elektronskega sistema. Podani so tudi razlogi za uporabo principa na osnovi merjenja tlaka v tem sistemu. Drugi del je posvečen analizi zgradbe sistema. V njem so predstavljeni gradniki in podsklopi sistema ter nekatere njihove lastnosti. Ta del predstavlja tudi signale sistema, njihove lastnosti ter prilagoditve, katere so potrebne za povečanje odpornosti na napake. Tretji del predstavlja princip izračuna volumna z uporabo matematičnega principa določanja in rotacije točk v prostoru ter določitev ravnin prostora. Zadnji del opisuje zgradbo programa, ki se izvaja na mikrokrmilniku. Podrobno opredeljuje zgradbo mikrokrmilniškega sistema, ki je sposoben delovati po principu večopravilnosti in obdelovati podatke v realnem času. Zaključni nalogi je priložena shema ter načrtovano tiskano vezje sistema.

Keywords:mikrokrmilnik, inklinometer, senzor tlaka, rotacijska matrika, izračun volumna, obdelava podatkov v realnem času, prekinitvene rutine.
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-83206 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.06.2016
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Secondary language

This thesis describes the development of a system for accurate measuring volume of water in the reservoirs of fire vehicles. The basic idea is to capture the parallel and transverse inclinations of the reservoir to the vehicle trajectory from the horizontal axis and the water level height. The data are used in the calculations of the remaining volume of water in the reservoir. The goal of the project was to design an microcontroller based system that use sensors to capture and convert the pressure and inclination data and present calculated data on the graphic display. The first part describes the measurement of water level height. Described are characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of each measurement principle and its use as part of an electronic system. The second part is describes the analysis of system architecture. It presents the components, sub‐systems, and some of their properties. This section also presents the system signals, their characteristics and adjustments which are required to reduce signal interference. The third part presents the principle for calculation the volume using a mathematical principle of determining the rotation of points and the plains area in three dimension space. Last part describes the structure of the program running on the microcontroller. It specifies the structure that is able to operate on the principle of multi‐tasking and processing data in real time. Scheme and designed printed circuit board drawing of the system are located in the appendix.

Keywords:microcontroller, inclinometer, pressure sensor, rotation matrix, volume calculation, real‐ time data processing, interrupt routines

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