
Upravičenost izgradnje bioplinske elektrarne na kmetiji
ID BOHINC, MARKO (Author), ID Mihalič, Rafael (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Ažbe, Valentin (Comentor)

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MD5: DC02C8DED2190E2FC77C10007B8BEB92
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/133ec34d-daa7-4b1a-96e7-5655336864b5

POVZETEK POVZETEK V diplomskem delu smo obravnavali upravičenost izgradnje bioplinske naprave na kmetiji. Pri raziskovanju smo si pomagali z lastnimi izkušnjami na kmetiji, literaturo, pomagali pa so nam tudi ponudniki bioplinskih naprav v Sloveniji. V teoretičnem delu smo najprej predstavili bioplin in njegovo sestavo. Nato smo navedli nekaj podatkov iz zgodovine bioplina, ter predstavili stanje bioplina v Evropi in svetu. Bolj natančno smo opisali razvoj oziroma izgradnjo bioplinarn v Sloveniji. Kot vsaka stvar ima tudi bioplin prednosti in slabosti, ki se kažejo z vplivom na naravo in človeka. Bioplin nastaja iz večjega števila substratov. Navedli smo možne substrate in kakšen je donos bioplina iz posameznega substrata. V nadaljevanju smo predstavili posamezne komponente bioplinske naprave. Ob postavitvi bioplinske naprave moramo pridobiti tudi določena dovoljenja in soglasja, kar je opisano v nadaljevanju. Za konec teoretičnega dela pa nas je zanimalo subvencioniranje bioplinskih naprav, oziroma električne energije, pridobljene iz njih. Predstavljene so različne možnosti subvencioniranja proizvedene električne energije. V praktičnem delu smo najprej predstavili kmetijo. Na podlagi količine pridobljenega substrata na kmetiji smo naredili izračun o upravičenosti postavitve bioplinske naprave na domači kmetiji. Zbrali smo ponudbe za bioplinske naprave na trgu in se odločili za eno izmed njih, ki nam je podala največ informacij za postavitev bioplinske naprave in podatkov za izračun. Problem opisane kmetije je, da proizvaja premalo substrata, saj so bioplinske naprave konstruirane za večjo količino le tega. V sklepnem delu smo podali ugotovitve na podlagi zbranih ponudb, ter naše mnenje.

Keywords:Ključne besede: bioplin, bioplinska naprava, električna energija, substrat, kmetija
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-83202 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.06.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Appropriateness of farm biogas plant
ABSTRACT In current thesis, I discussed the eligibility of building a biogas plant on the farm. Findings presented here are result of my own experience in the farm, literature review and broad experience of providers of biogas plants in Slovenia. Firstly, in the theoretical part of my thesis, I introduced biogas and its composition. Additionally, the history of biogas and its current situation in Europe and the world was briefly presented. I focused on the development and construction of biogas plants in Slovenia. Advantages and disadvantages of biogas, which affect the nature and people, were presented. Biogas is produced from a broad range of substrates. I presented the possible substrates and their yields in biogas. Moreover, I presented components of the biogas plant. Certain permits and consents essential for construction of a biogas plant were also presented. At the end of the theoretical part, I was interested in financial support for biogas plants, or for electricity generated from them. Various options of financial support of the electricity produced were presented in the current thesis. In the practical part of the thesis, I firstly introduced the family farm. On the basis of the quantity of substrate produced on the farm I calculated the eligibility of installing biogas plant on the farm. I collected various offers for biogas plants on the market and finally I selected the one, for which the highest quantity of information for construction and the data for the calculations were provided. The problem with our farm is that production of substrate is not sufficient, since the biogas plants are designed for higher amounts of substrate. In conclusion part I presented findings based on the collected offers and also expressed my own opinion.

Keywords:Ključne besede: bioplin, bioplinska naprava, električna energija, substrat, kmetija

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