
Optimizacija telefonskega sistema IP z uporabo portala FlipIT
ID STARINA, LOVRO (Author), ID Humar, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: A11AC98594BB5E5BF23F165E8A58DEDF
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/67813ebb-0b09-49a9-9ccc-c34bafb109e5

Zaradi razvoja in uporabe različnih poslovnih aplikacij je potreba po pasovni širini vedno večja, zato je v treba primeru omejene pasovne širine dostopovnega omrežja skrbno načrtovati in po potrebi prilagoditi vsak del storitev, ki ga stranka uporablja. Namen diplomske naloge je predstaviti FlipIT portal, ki ga uporabimo kot orodje za orkestracijo infrastrukture in storitev, v nadaljevanju pa izvesti primer načrtovanja telefonije IP in izračunati potrebno pasovno širino za uporabo telefonije prek internetnega protokola in z orodjem za orkestracijo prilagoditi sistem za delovanje pri stranki, katere ponudnik internetne storitve ne more zagotoviti ustrezne pasovne širine dostopovnega omrežja. Za izračun bom uporabil podatke že obstoječe stranke s 10 uporabniki, ki uporabljajo oblačne storitve FlipIT. Pri izračunu sem uporabil Erlang B model in glede na pridobljeni izračun naredil spremembe na infrastrukturi s pomočjo FlipIT portala. Na ta način sem zmanjšal pasovno širino, potrebno za delovanje telefonije IP, oz. omogočil zadovoljivo pasovno širino za storitev, ki je stranki prioritetna. Sprememba na telefonskem IP sistemu pokaže, da z menjavo kodekov dosežemo sprostitev pasovne širine in zagotovimo boljšo kvaliteto storitve pri uporabi enake pasovne širine.

Keywords:telefonija IP, Erlang, Erlang B, analiza uporabe telefonije v podjetju, FlipIT portal
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-83199 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.06.2016
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Title:VoIP optimization with use of FlipIT portal
Due to the developement and use of various business applications the need for bandwidth is growing. Because of this it it necessary to carfully plan and adjust each part of the service in use. The aim of this thesis is to present FlipIT orchestrator and calculate the required bandwidth for voice over internet protocol then with the use of orchestration tool adapt the system to operate at a customers location whose internet service provider can not provide adequate bandwidth for service with the default settings. Data from a existing FlipIT cloud customer will be used for calculation. Erlang B model will be used in in the calculation and according to the obtained calculation the changes will be made to the infrastructure with the help of FlipIT portal. In this way, bandwidth necessary for the operation of the IP telephony will be reduced. The change on the telephony system shows that by changing codecs or their settings we can reduce bandwidth consumption and provide better quality services.

Keywords:IP telephony, Erlang, Erlang B, analyse the usage of ip telephony in a company, orchestrator FlipIT

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