
Avtomatizacija stroja za magnetenje neodimskih obročkov
ID KOCJANČIČ, BLAŽ (Author), ID Nedeljković, David (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 504F4F412C35B4FB6C196E5A8D1103BF
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/821b2c2b-7e47-457b-b78f-45fa07a67b93

V diplomskem delu sta opisana avtomatizacija in nadzor stroja za magnetenje neodimskih obročkov. Stroj za magnetenje je namenjen avtomatskemu magnetenju obročkov iz feromagnetnega materiala. Stroj je sestavljen iz šestih sklopov. Prvi sklop je mesto za pobiranje nenamagnetenih obročkov ter odlaganje ali izmet namagnetenih obročkov. Drugi sklop je sestavljen iz optične kontrole obročkov, kjer se preverja orientacija obročka ter obračalne enote. Tretji sklop obsega sistem za magnetenje obročkov. Četrti sklop je sistem za preverjanje namagnetenosti obročka oz. merjenje gostote magnetnega pretoka obročka. Peti sklop je ABB robot, ki skrbi za pobiranje ter odlaganje obročkov na posamezne postaje. Šesti sklop pa je glavni krmilnik, na katerega je povezan nadzorni panel, ki skrbi za pravilno delovanje stroja. Vodenje stroja je izvedeno s krmilnikom Siemens S7 CPU 315-2 PN/DP, Siemens touch panelom TP177B, ki je namenjen upravljanju stroja, in osebnim računalnikom, na katerem se izvajata program za optični pregled obročkov ter program za merjenje gostote magnetnega pretoka obročkov. Krmilnik skrbi za izvajanje glavnega programa stroja ter vseh podprogramov in za komunikacijo in usklajevanje vseh podsistemov na stroju. Na krmilnik so preko vhodno/izhodnih enot povezani senzorji stroja. Aktuatorji so v večini pnevmatski in so povezani na pnevmatski otok, ki s krmilnikom komunicira preko Profibus protokola. Prav tako krmilnik komunicira preko Profibusa z robotom ABB tipa IRB 120 ter z Beckoff koračnimi motorji AS10xx. Ethernet komunikacija se uporablja za povezavo krmilnika z nadzornim panelom. V diplomskem delu je na kratko opisan vsak posamezni sklop stroja. Poudarek je predvsem na izvedbi glavnega krmiljenja in nadzora nad celotnim strojem, kar je bila moja naloga pri tem projektu. Pri izvedbi stroja je sodelovalo večje število izvajalcev, način izvedbe ter samo delovanje stroja pa je bilo določeno s strani naročnika. Izdelava glavnega programa in nadzornega sistema predstavlja velik izziv, saj je bilo potrebno vse podsisteme stroja med seboj zelo premišljeno uskladiti, poleg tega pa sem se z določenimi nalogami prvič srečal ravno na tem projektu.

Keywords:programirljivi krmilnik, nadzorni panel, vodenje, nadzor, magnetenje
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-83193 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.06.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Automation of the machine for magnetizing neodymium rings
This thesis describes automation and control of a machine for magnetizing ferromagnetic rings. The machine consists of six main components. The first one is used for picking up non-magnetized rings, and for dropping off magnetized or defective rings. The second component is made of optical control system for orientation control of rings and of a unit for changing the orientation of rings. The third component is a magnetizing unit. The fourth component is a unit for measuring magnetic flux of magnetized rings. The fifth component is an ABB robot which is used for manipulation with rings between different components. The sixth main component is a programmable logic controller (PLC) which is used for controlling the whole machine. Siemens S7 PLC 315-2 PN/DP, Siemens touch panel TP177B, which is used for manipulating with the machine, and PC computer, which is used for running programs for optical control and for magnetic field measurement, are used for controlling the machine. PLC is used as the main control unit of the machine which coordinates all components of the machine. Sensors and actuators are wired to PLC’s input/output modules. Most actuators are pneumatic, connected and controlled trough valve manifold which communicates with PLC via Profibus communication. Profibus communication is also used for ABB robot and for Beckoff step motors, which are also used as actuators. Communication between PLC and control panel is established through industrial Ethernet protocol. This thesis contains a short description of all main components of the machine. The main part of the thesis is programming and implementation of main control system which controls the entire machine. This was my main assignment on this project. During the production of the machine there were several subcontractors involved for different components of the machine. Demands and functionality of the machine were determined by the client. Programming and implementation of the main control system was a big challenge as there are several subsystems which have to be carefully coordinated. In addition to those challenges, the project involved issues I encountered for the first time in my career.

Keywords:programmable logic controller, control panel, communications, control, control system, magnetizing

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