
Dinamično testiranje komutatorja
ID BRAČKO, SANDI (Author), ID Pušnik, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 22157607D718AC9EAFCB1B9753557FBF
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/4d7df158-2d33-402d-9f34-a2e9e1bee8ea

Namen diplomskega dela je nadaljevati delo iz visokošolskega strokovnega programa na temo ''Dinamično testiranje kolektorjev'' ter predstaviti potrebo, nastanek in razvoj merilnih in preskusnih metod na področju zagotavljanja kakovosti polizdelka, kot je kolektor ali z drugo besedo komutator. Sama beseda ''kolektor'' izhaja iz angleške besede ''collector'', kar po naše pomeni zbiralec. Alternativna beseda ''komutator'' prav tako izhaja iz angleščine kot ''commutator'' in pomeni smerno pretikalo . Obe besedi dokaj nazorno prikazujeta funkcijo kolektorja v sklopu elektromotorja. Zbiranje električne energije iz oglenih ščetk za potrebe magnetenja posameznih tuljav na rotorju asinhronega elektromotorja. Prav tako pretikalo, saj si vsaka tuljava lasti svoj par lamel na kolektorju. Ko se ustvari elektromagnetno polje in se zaradi nasprotovanja v faznem zamiku med poljem statorja in rotorja prične rotor vrteti, se preklapljajo pari lamel priključene na izvode tuljave. Diplomsko delo je razdeljeno na več sklopov, ki nas vodi od začetkov dinamičnega testiranja kolektorjev, ko so se prvič pokazale potrebe , da se ugotovi : • možnost podaljšanja življenjske dobe izdelka • večjo preneseno moč na rotor • boljšo in cenejšo konstrukcijo ob zagotovljeni kvaliteti izdelka. Sledi poglavje, ki nam prikaže napake meritve in senzorja. Glede na zahtevnost meritve se je potrebno odločiti, kakšen senzor bomo za meritev izbrali. Testiranje poteka ob povišani temperaturi, velikih centrifugalnih silah, ki lahko povzročijo porušitev. Senzor mora biti zato enostavno namestljiv, zanesljiv, s široko pasovno širino ter hitrim odzivom. Ob morebitni poškodbi naj se ga enostavno popravi in rekalibrira. Senzor seveda mora biti zaradi narave meritve brezkontakten, kar nam nakazuje na izbiro med, kapacitivnim senzorjem, senzorjem na vrtinčne tokove in laserskim optičnim senzorjem. Poskušal sem na enostaven in razumljiv način prikazati teorijo delovanja, razlike med njimi in težave, s katerimi je potrebno računati pri njihovi uporabi za namen testiranja. Poudarek je na kapacitivnem senzorju. V petem poglavju opisujem, napravo za dinamično testiranje kolektorjev Coragliotto, firme iz Torina v Italiji, kalibracijo, potek testiranja in analizo zajetih podatkov. Nadalje sledijo šibke točke naprave in možnosti za nadgradnjo, ter odpravo teh napak.

Keywords:statično testiranje kolektorja, dinamično testiranje kolektorja, napaka senzorja, kalibracija, LVDT, senzor na vrtinčne tokove, kapacitivni senzor, laserski optični senzor.
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-83190 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.06.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Dynamic testing of commutator
The aim of my diploma thesis, based on ''Dynamic Spinn testing of Commutators'', was to present the need, beginning and development of measuring and testing methods in the field of assuring quality semimanufacture as is collector. The word »kolektor« originates from English word collector, which in Slovene language means »zbiralec« – somebody or something that collects. Alternative word is a »komutator« . Its origin is also English from commutator and it means a way switch. Both words quite clearly represent function of collector in the complex of electromotor, collecting electric energy from carbon brushes for need of induction separate spools on rotor of electromotor and also commutator, because each spool has got its own pair of lamella on collector. When electromagnetic field is established, rotor starts to spin because of resistance in a phase shift among the stator and rotor field. Diploma is portioned in more volumes. They leads us from beginning of dynamic collector testing when certain needs appeared. That were needs of : • establishing possibility to prolong life span of products • larger transferable power on motor • better end cheaper construction at assured quality of product Follows the chapter based on, parameters which shows us measuring errors and sensors. As for pretentiousness of measure is necessity to decide which sensor we will choose for measure. Testing is performed at increased temperature, large centrifugal forces, which may cause demolition. That is why sensor must be simply installable, reliable, with wide bandwidth and fast response time. At possible damage it can be easily repaired and recalibrated. Because of nature of measurement a sensor must be contactless, which leads us to the choice between capacity sensor, Eddy Current sensor and laser optical sensor. I presented the theory of operation, differences among them and difficulties on which we have to recon in their use for the purpose of testing. The emphasize is on a capacitive sensor. Fifth chapter contains description of apparatus for dynamical testing of commutators manufactured from Coragliotto, company from Torino in Italy, calibration course of testing and analysis of captured data. Then follows weak points of apparatus and possibility for upgrading and removal of errors.

Keywords:Statical Testing of Commutator, Dynamic Spinn Testing of Commutator, Sensor Error, Calibration, Acurracy Improvement, LVDT, Eddy Current Sensor, Capacitive Sensor, Laser Optical Sensor

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