
Krmilnik za matrični prikazovalnik s svetlečimi diodami
ID SARAŽIN, TINE (Author), ID Trost, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 7ED27962B99AB99EC4CE666AF9CB8F7F
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/2177b748-3278-407a-8833-5a020be69790

V diplomskem delu je opisan celoten potek krmiljenja matričnega prikazovalnika vključno z izdelavo tiskanega vezja. Matrični prikazovalniki so zasloni sestavljeni iz lučk, po navadi svetlečih diod. Primerni so za prikazovanje raznih napisov in slik nizke resolucije. V našem primeru imamo matrični zaslon 32 X 16 svetlečih diod pravokotne oblike. Krmilimo ga preko vmesnika s Xilinxovim vezjem CPLD XC95144XL, ki mu bomo pošiljali podatke iz mikrokrmilniškega razvojnega sistema - MIŠKO. Miškota smo spoznali na fakulteti pri predmetu Osnove mikroprocesorske elektronike in vsebuje Atmelov mikroprocesor družine AVR oznake ATmega324. Tiskano vezje vmesnika pa sem izdelal sam v programu Altium Designer. Program za CPLD vezje, proizvajalca Xilinx, sem napisal v višjenivojskem jeziku VHDL, program mikrokrmilnika pa v programskem jeziku C. Samo delo sem razdelil na več sklopov. Najprej bom opisal prikazovalnik in mikrokrmilniški razvojni sistem. Sledila bo izdelava tiskanine, po njej pa še opisa obeh programov. Program za CPLD vezje sem izdelal v Xilinxovem programskem okolju ISE Design suite 12.4, ki nam omogoča tudi simulacijo vezja. Razvojne faze in opis simulacije bom predstavil v poglavju Testiranje. Za programiranje mikrokrmilnika sem si izbral programsko okolje AVR Studio 4, ki smo ga uporabljali tudi na fakulteti.

Keywords:Ključne besede: matrični prikazovalnik, CPLD vezje, pomnilnik RAM, mikrokrmilnik, programiranje, vmesnik, načrtovanje vezij, VHDL, simulacija, testiranje.
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-83183 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.06.2016
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Title:LED dot-matrix display controller
The control of a LED dot matrix display and its circuit board design and implementation procedure is described in the graduation thesis. Dot matrix displays are displays made of lights, usually light emitting diodes. They are mostly used for displaying different kinds of text or images of small resolution. In the thesis I write about a matrix display composed of 32 x 16 light diodes of rectangular shape. It is controlled by an interface in Xilinx CPLD XC95144XL to which we send the data from a microcontroller development system MIŠKO. We studied the microcontroller development system at University in a Microprocessor electronics basics class. It contains an Atmel's microprocessor ATmega324 of the AVR family. I built a printed circuit board interface using the Altium Designer software. I wrote the code for the Xilinx CPLD device in a high-level hardware description language VHDL and the program for the microcontroller in programming language C. The thesis is divided into several chapters for better better understanding of the project. First I describe the LED display matrix and the microcontroller development system. In the following chapter is a description of the circuit board and used firmware. For the CPLD device I used a Xilinx ISE Design suite 12.4 development environment which offers us the possibility to simulate a circuit. The development phase and the description of the simulation is presented in the chapter about testing. I choose AVR Studio 4 programming environment for development of the microcontroller code. It is the same software we used at University.

Keywords:Key words: LED dot matrix, CPLD circuit, RAM, microcontroller, programming, interface, circuit planning, VHDL, simulation, testing.

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