
Identifikacija veznih točk in izboljšava položajne natančnosti zemljiško-katastrskega prikaza z membransko metodo v k.o. Črešnjice
ID Granda, Jože (Author), ID Lisec, Anka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Čeh, Marjan (Comentor)

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MD5: 128C5950ED42859B8D66CBE3C818A542
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/b715a14a-3178-44b0-86ea-b7bf7de02496

Namen naloge je bil preveriti možnosti izboljšave položajne kakovosti zemljiškokatastrskega prikaza (ZKP) na temelju tako imenovanih veznih točk. Kot vezne točke smo obravnavali mejne točke zemljiških parcel, katerih položaj je dan v enem od referenčnih državnih koordinatnih sistemov (D48/GK ali D96/TM). Domnevali smo, da lahko poleg kakovostnih zemljiškokatastrskih točk (ZKtočk) k položajni kakovosti zemljiškokatastrskega prikaza prispevajo dodatne merjene vezne točke. V okviru naloge smo na študijskem območju, to je v katastrski občini Črešnjice pri Novem mestu, v naravi identificirali potencialne dodatne vezne točke, ki niso ZK-točke, vendar so v naravi materializirane. Z geodetsko izmero smo v skladu z obstoječimi pravilniki za izmero v zemljiškem katastru določili položaj teh točk v državnem koordinatnem sistemu D96/TM in jih vključili v postopek izboljšave položajne natančnosti ZKP. Ocenili smo položajno kakovost tako imenovanih homogeniziranih mejnih točk v podatkovnem sloju ZKP in izvedli primerjavo med različnimi pristopi (različni scenariji izboljšave glede na število in lokacijo dodatnih veznih točk, ki so bile vključene v izboljšavo). Za izvedbo homogenizacije smo uporabili programsko rešitev Systra. Rezultate smo predstavili tudi grafično v programskem okolju ArcGIS.

Keywords:geodetska izmera, zemljiški kataster, položajna natančnost, katastrski načrt, zemljiškokatastrski prikaz, membranska metoda, Systra, Črešnjice, Novo mesto
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Granda]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-83168 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7482977 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.07.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Identification of tie points and positional accuracy improvement of land cadastre index map using the membrane method in the cadastral municipality of Črešnjice
Our thesis aimed to explore the possibilities of improving the positional quality of the cadastral index map (ZKP) based on the so called tie points. The discussed tie points included boundary points of land parcels, the positions of which are provided in one of the national coordinate reference systems (D48/GK or D96/TM). We assumed that in addition to using quality land cadastre points, the positional quality of the land cadastre representation can also be improved by additionally measured tie points. For the purposes of the thesis, we inspected the study area, i.e. the cadastral municipality of Črešnjice near Novo mesto, and identified potential additional tie points, which are not considered land cadastre points but are nevertheless materialized in nature. A geodetic survey was conducted in accordance with the existing regulations on land cadastre surveying. We determined the position of the discussed points in the national coordinate system D96/TM and applied them in the process of improving the positional precision of the ZKP. We evaluated the positional quality of the so called homogeneous boundary points in the data layer of the ZKP and performed a comparison across different approaches (different scenarios according to the number and location of additional tie points included in the improvement). The homogenization was carried out using the Systra software tool. The results have also been graphically presented in the ArcGIS software environment.

Keywords:land surveying, land cadastre, positional precision, cadastral map, cadastral index map, membrane methode, Systra, Črešnjice, Novo mesto

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