
Pametna hiša
ID ERJAVEC, SAMO (Author), ID Fajfar, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 12A78789083C5AB8C6D9193BFB4390DF
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/44e9d107-8607-48c7-920c-de847c47baed

V nalogi je opisan razvoj rešitve za nadgradnjo klasične hišne instalacije v "pametno" stanovanjsko hišo. Obsega načrtovanje sistema, izbiro strojne opreme, pripravo delovnega okolja, izdelavo prototipnega vezja in izdelavo programske opreme. Sistem vključuje nadzorni del z mini računalnikom Raspberry Pi in uporabniškim vmesnikom na pametnem telefonu (Android), mikrokrmilniški podsistem in senzorje na I2C vodilu. Mikrokrmilniški podsistem je v celoti zgrajen modularno in se ga poljubno nadgrajuje. Tako lahko z enim podsistemom zvezno reguliramo 16-kanalno razsvetljavo. Z dodajanjem I/O modulov, lahko upravljamo s 56 digitalnimi signali (DI/DO). Na digitalne vhodno/izhodne module priključimo krmilne tipke, senzorje gibanja in relejske module s katerimi krmilimo motorske pogone za dvig in spust okenskih rolet. Za krmiljenje večjega števila porabnikov dodamo celoten mikrokrmilniški podsistem s poljubnim številom modulov. Naš prototipni sistem vsebuje mikrokrmilniški modul, dva DI in dva DO modula. DO modul krmili štiri kanalni relejski modul za krmiljenje dveh rolet. Na DI modul je povezan senzor gibanja, tipke za krmiljenje razsvetljave in tipke za krmiljenje rolet. Zatemnilni modul je štiri kanalni. Naš sistem vsebuje le en senzor temperature, s katerim je nakazana možnost dodajanja senzorjev v sistem. I2C komunikacija skrbi za povezovanje nadzornega mini računalnika Raspberry Pi, mikrokrmilniškega pod-sistema in senzorja. Raspberry Pi je postavljen v vlogo glavne naprave (master). Nadzorni sistem omogoča povezovanje pametnih telefonov s sistemom krmiljenja. Testno smo upravljali s sistemom na osmih pametnih telefonih istočasno, hkrati pa z napravami upravljali z lokalnimi tipkami. Sistem je ostal funkcionalen in dobro odziven.

Keywords:Pametna hiša, avtomatizacija stavb, mikrokrmilnik, Raspberry Pi, Android, daljinski nadzor
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-83141 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.05.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Smart Home
The thesis describes the development of a solution for upgrading classical indoor house installation to a "smart" automated building. It comprises planning of the system, choosing the hardware, preparation of the working environment, prototyping circuits and prototyping software. The system consists of a control part that contains the mini-computer Raspberry Pi, of user interface software that runs on Android smartphone, of a microcontroller subsystem and of sensors on the I2C bus. Microcontroller subsystem is completely modular and can be optionally upgraded. With one subsystem, we can regulate 16-channel dimmable lighting. By adding I/O modules, we can control up to 56 digital signals (DI/DO). Actuating buttons, motion sensors and relay modules that control motor drives for raising and lowering window blinds are connected to digital input/output modules. To control a larger number of consumers, we can add complete microcontroller subsystem. Our prototype system contains a microcontroller module, two DI and two DO modules. DO module controls a four-channel relay module for controlling blinds. Motion sensor, push-buttons for controlling lights and push-buttons for controlling the roller shutters are connected to a DI module. Dimmer module has four channels. We are using one temperature sensor to demonstrate adding sensors to the system. Mini-computer Raspberry Pi, the microcontroller sub-system and the sensor are communicating over I2C communication bus. The Raspberry Pi is placed into the role of the master device. The control system allows us to connect multiple smart phones with the control system. In the final test, we have connected eight smartphones at once, while operating the microcontroller by the local push-buttons. The system remained functional and well responsive

Keywords:smart home, building automation, microcontroller, Raspberry Pi, Android, remote control

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