
Postopki za umerjanje MEMS senzorjev
ID MODIC, ŽIGA (Author), ID Tomažič, Sašo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: C27588641D1ECE165D42F9A4AB9FE78E
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/418f59ee-b1f4-46b4-bec2-e8aa9d392855

Diplomsko delo opisuje testiranje različnih umeritvenih postopkov inercijskih sistemov, s katerimi je možno odpraviti določene pomanjkljivosti, napake in posledično izboljšati meritev. Izvor in velikost napak je v posameznih senzorjih v večini primerov neznana, zato sem z metodo Allan varianca najprej določil karakteristiko naključnih procesov (beli šum, lezenje …). Napake senzorjev se v procesu umerjanja modelirajo z različnimi matematičnimi modeli, zato je tudi točnost in zanesljivost umeritvenih postopkov različna. V diplomskem delu sem z MIMS (SU6DOF) testiral natančnost šestih različnih umeritvenih metod pri znanih pogojih. Izmed vseh testiranih postopkov je bila najboljša in hkrati tudi najpreprostejša metoda Stančin, ki je imela za pospeškometer in žiroskop najmanjšo napako. Pri primerjavi različnih umeritvenih metod za magnetometer pa se je izkazalo, da različne metode dosegajo podobne rezultate. Izrazita je bila le razlika v velikosti napake med statično in dinamično umeritvijo magnetometra.

Keywords:MEMS, umerjanje, pospeškometer, žiroskop, magnetometer, Allan varianca
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-82914 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.05.2016
MODIC, ŽIGA, 2016, Postopki za umerjanje MEMS senzorjev [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 25 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Methods for MEMS sensors calibration
The thesis describes testing of various calibration procedures of the magnetic inertial measurement system (MIMS), with which certain deficiencies, and errors can be eliminated, and consequently measurement can be improved. Errors of individual sensors are in most of the cases unknown, therefore, I first determined the characteristics of random processes (white noise, drift etc.) using the Allan variance method. Every sensor has its own errors that are modelled in the process of calibration with an appropriate numerical model. Therefore, the accuracy and reliability of calibration procedures is different. The performance of six different calibration procedures in known conditions was empirically evaluated using a commercially available MIMS (SU6DOF). A series of tests for accelerometer and gyroscopes have shown that the best method in terms of accuracy, simplicity, and errors was presented by Stančin. A comparison of various calibration methods for a magnetometer however, showed no difference in total average error. Only a difference in the size of the error among the static and dynamic calibration of magnetometer was distinct.

Keywords:MEMS, calibration, accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, Allan variance

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