
Izdelava elektro projekta s programskim orodjem EPLAN Electric P8
ID AMBROŽ, GAŠPER (Author), ID Kamnik, Roman (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 8CDB6F03AFD939E1BB3749E26B9A675C
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/51fd59d2-eff8-43b2-9885-83f848685705

Diplomsko delo obravnava tematiko načrtovanja elektro projektov, podprto z računalniškimi programskimi orodji. Predstavljena je uporaba programske opreme EPLAN, ki je na globalnem tržišču vodilno orodje za razvoj električnih, fluidnih, pnevmatskih shem, izris stikalnih omar in kabelskih snopov v 3D obliki in načrtovanje industrijskih procesov. V diplomskem delu je podrobno razdelan programski modul EPLAN Electric P8 2.5, ki je namenjen izdelavi električnega dela projektov. Cilj diplomskega dela je predstaviti osnovna pravila in nasvete za pravilno uporabo programske opreme EPLAN in kvalitetno ter optimizirano načrtovanje elektro projekta. Z načrtovanjem projekta bi morali doseči njegovo brezhibno izvajanje tako v časovnem, stroškovnem kot kakovostnem okviru [2]. Vsebinski del diplomske naloge je razdeljen v devet podsklopov, ki opisujejo različne faze izdelave projekta s programsko opremo EPLAN. V prvem delu je programska oprema predstavljena, drugi del pa vsebuje priporočila za namestitev in osnovne nastavitve programa. Tretji del opisuje različne načine in metode risanja električnih shem, ter navaja priporočila za pravilen pristop k načrtovanju. Ta del vključuje tudi navodila za postavljanje različnih tipov električnih komponent in njihovo nadaljnjo obdelavo, v četrtem delu pa je razložen postopek izrisa 2D montažne plošče elektro omare. Peti del diplomske naloge opisuje postopek avtomatičnega generiranja projektne dokumentacije, kot so npr. kosovnice, kabelski diagrami in spončni diagrami, lista povezav in naslovnica. Avtomatizirana izdelava dokumentacije je namreč za EPLAN programsko opremo posebej značilna. V šestem delu so opisani postopki izdelave lastnih form za dokumentacijo, simbolov in predlog, v sedmem delu je opisan postopek arhiviranja in izvoza projekta, v osmem pa je predstavljena baza komponent in postopek vnosa nove komponente v bazo. Na koncu je v devetem delu kot rezultat predstavljen projekt stroja za odstranjevanje gumijastih tesnil iz ostankov pri proizvodnji oken.

Keywords:elektro projektiranje, CAD, CAE, načrtovanje, shema
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-82791 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.05.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Design of electro project with EPLAN Electric P8 software
Thesis deals with computer aided design of electrical projects. The presented software EPLAN is the global market leading tool for development of electrical, fluid, pneumatic schemes, plotting switch cabinets and wiring harnesses for 3D design and planning of industrial processes. The work in details presents the software module EPLAN Electric P8 2.5, which is aimed at the drawing of electrical projects. The aim of the thesis is to present the basic rules and tips on how to properly use the EPLAN software and to give instructions for quality and optimized design of electrical project. The main content of the thesis is divided into nine subsections, which describe different stages of the project construction with EPLAN software. First part of the thesis presents the software and second part gives recommendations for installation and basic settings of the program. The third part describes the various ways and methods of drawing circuit diagrams with EPLAN software, and gives recommendations for the proper approach to planning. This part also includes the instructions for setting up different types of electrical components and their further processing, while the fourth part explains the procedure for plotting 2D prefabricated panel cabinets. The fifth part of the thesis describes the proces of automatic generation of project documentation, such as parts lists, cable diagrams and terminal diagrams, connections listsand cover page. Automatically generated report documentation specifically characterizes the EPLAN software. The sixth part describes the procedures of producing own forms, symbols and templates, the seventh part describes the procedure for archiving and exporting the project and the eightth part presents the database of components and the process of making a new component entry in the database. At the end of the thesis, in the nineth part, a real project of a machine for removing the rubber seals of residues from the manufacture of plastic windows is presented.

Keywords:electrical engineering, CAD, CAE, planning, schematics

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