
Izračun toplotne obremenitve poslovne stavbe po standardu EN 12831
ID MOŽIC, KATJA (Author), ID Pušnik, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 2462619735C4331BA98BC81C988338B5
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/b60e2c94-736f-4d14-a35c-08c8142eeff3

V diplomskem delu z naslovom Izračun toplotne obremenitve poslovne stavbe po standardu EN 12831 so predstavljeni Pravilnik o učinkoviti rabi energije – PURES, ki določa tehnične zahteve za nove in obnovljene stavbe na področju rabe energije, načela energetskih objektov in pregled rabe energije v stavbah. V nadaljevanju sta navedena opis postopka in izračun projektne toplotne obremenitve po standardu EN 12831 z namenom pregleda toplotnih izgub posameznih prostorov in celotne stavbe, ki sta v lasti podjetja Kostak d.d. Na podlagi dobljenih izračunov sta določena projektna toplotna moč in strošek ogrevanja na električno energijo za obe poslovni stavbi. Nadalje diplomsko delo zajema opis pridobivanja lesne biomase, izračun kurilne vrednosti lesa in pregled stroškov v primeru ogrevanja z lesno biomaso. Podana pa je tudi primerjava med stroški ogrevanja in izpusti CO2 v primeru ogrevanja dveh različnih vrst energentov. Osnovna namena diplomskega dela sta predstaviti izračuna potrebne električne energije za ogrevanje dveh poslovnih objektov, hkrati pa zagotoviti ustreznost in zadostno količino plavja, dobljenega iz reke Save, za potrebe ogrevanja z lesno biomaso. S pomočjo izračuna toplotne obremenitve stavbe so pridobljeni podatki potrebe po toploti za določanje potreb po ogrevanju. Z izračunom kurilnosti lesa, pripeljanega na center, pa so zbrani podatki za izračun potrebne količine lesa za ogrevanje. Diplomsko delo predstavlja tudi okviren izračun povrnitve stroškov investicije v primeru zamenjave sistema ogrevanja z električne energije na lesno biomaso.

Keywords:gradbena fizika, prenos toplote, toplotne izgube, toplotna prehodnost, energetska izkaznica, obnovljivi viri energije, lesna biomasa
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-82772 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.05.2016
MOŽIC, KATJA, 2016, Izračun toplotne obremenitve poslovne stavbe po standardu EN 12831 [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 15 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Calculation of the heat load of office buildings in accordance with EN 12831
The thesis titled Calculation of the heat load of office buildings accordance with EN 12831 presents Pravilnik o učinkoviti rabi energije – PURES that define technical requirements for new in renewed buildings in the field of energy. There are also presented principles of energy facilities and the overview of energy use in buildings. The thesis also includes the description of procedure and calculation of thermal heat load according to the standard EN 12831 in order to check the heat loss of individual areas and the whole building, which is owned by Kostak, d. d. Based on the calculations the thesis includes information on the heat power and the cost of heating with electricity for both office buildings. Furthermore, it includes a description of extracting wood biomass, calculation of the calorific value of wood and overview of the heating cost using biomass. This work also provides a comparison between the costs of heating and CO2 emissions by using two different types of energy sources. The primary purpose is to present calculation of the amount of electricity required to heat two office buildings and to determine the relevance and adequacy of the quantity of floating debris obtained from the Sava river, for heating with biomass. Using the calculated thermal heat load of the building we acquire data of heat needs to determine the needs for heating. By calculating the calorific value of wood brought to the center, the data is collected, what helps to calculate the required quantity of wood for heating. The thesis also presents an approximate calculation of the reimbursement of investment in case of replacement of the heating system of the electrical energy with biomass.

Keywords:building physics, heat transfer, heat losses, heat transmittance, energy performance certificate, renewable energy, biomass

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