The thesis describes development and production of the remote controlled electric power strip. It is the power strip that input supply voltage divides among the four power outlets. Each power outlet can be controlled (turned on or off) via a dedicated switch or remotely via the website.
The power strip controller contains solid state relays for turning power outlets on or off, input sockets for the mains voltage and for the Ethernet network and a control unit based on the STM32F407 microcontroller. The latter manages all the communication over Ethernet network, follows switching of the dedicated switches and switches power outlets on or off.
For the purpose of the remote control, an internet server has been implemented in the microcontroller. When a user connects to the IP address of the power strip via an internet browser, it opens control web site where current states of the outlets are shown. User can now freely turn the outlets on or off. The power strip supports IP address allocation via DHCP and usage of the static IP address.
Power outlets can be controlled manually via the switches located next to each outlet. Outlets may be controlled manually regardless the Ethernet connection.
A computer program for identifying all power strips on a local network was made. It finds all power strips on the network and shows their IP addresses to the user, who can connect to any of them.
The microcontroller software was written in the C programming language and was developed in winIDEA integrated development environment of the Asyst electronic company. The winIDEA connects to the microcontroller through their iTAG debugger. The program searching for the power strips on the network was written in Python.