
Električno polje v večžilnem oklopljenem kablu z dvojno izolacijo
ID ŽAGAR, DUŠAN (Author), ID Humar, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Hajdinjak, Melita (Comentor)

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MD5: 581F2AFB70DDCB266EBFA081B484D52E
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/f6eb0e8f-2eee-45fc-aa2a-7e5c8d575fd3

Diplomska naloga se ukvarja z analizo električnega polja v večžilnem oklopljenem kablu. Predmet naloge so kabli z enojno izolacijo, dodatno pozornost pa sem namenil kablom z dvojno izolacijo; prvo plast predstavlja izolacija žile, drugo plast pa izolacija do oklopa kabla. Reševanje električnega polja sem uprl na vire: na določanje porazdelitev prostega naboja na površinah prevodnikov in vezanih nabojev na stikih izolantov. Izhajal sem iz mejnih pogojev, ki veljajo na stikih prevodnik-izolant in izolant-izolant. Iz izračunanih porazdelitev sem določil električno polje (silnice, ekvipotencialke), nato pa še elemente modelnega kondenzatorskega vezja. Analiza je namenjena potrebam energetskih kablov, ob ustreznih dopolnitvah pa jo moremo uporabiti tudi v drugih večvodniških strukturah. V nalogi sem predstavil vse potrebne izpeljave, ki privedejo do linearnega sistema enačb za iskane obloge nabojev, napisal računalniško kodo v programu Mathematica in opravil izračune za več kablov: koaksialni, trižilni z enojno izolacijo in štirižilni kabel z dvojno izolacijo.

Keywords:oklopljeni kabel, dielektrik, dielektričnost, električni naboj, potencial, električna poljska jakost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-81747 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.05.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Electric field in multi-conductor shielded cable with double-layered isolation
The thesis analyses the electric field in multi-conductor sheilded cables. The main focus of the thesis is given to cables with one-layered isolation, additional attention is also provided for cables with double layered isolation, where first layer is direct isolation of conductor while second layer is isolation between first layer and shield of cable. Electric field solving is based on determination of the distribution of free charges on surfaces of conductors and bound charges on isolating contacts. The distribution of charges was determined using boundary conditions that apply for contacts conductor- insulator and insulator - insulator. Based on this distribution, the electric field (equipotentials, field lines) and the elements of capacitor circuit model were determined. The analysis is primarily ment for energetic cables with possibilities to extand to other multi-conductor structures as well. In thesis I present the required derivation of equations, which lead to linear equation sistem for unknown distribution of free charges. I wrote a computer code in Mathematica and I did calculations for several versions of cable stitch three or four conductors and one or two layered isolation.

Keywords:shielded cable, dielectric, permittivity, electric charge, potential, electric field intensity

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