
Kontrolne meritve žerjavne proge s terestričnim laserskim skeniranjem
ID Možina, Jan (Author), ID Ambrožič, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kregar, Klemen (Comentor)

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MD5: 2A0A1A963AB18A2F097C44E9D9C13F57
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/93c49f61-5aea-4236-a9ee-87ccecda8243

V magistrskem delu je predstavljena nova metoda za določitev geometrije tirnic žerjavne proge, in sicer na podlagi meritev s terestričnim laserskim skenerjem in z izdelanim računalniškim programom, ki na osnovi oblaka točk tirnic določi horizontalni in vertikalni potek žerjavne proge. Metodo smo testirali na žerjavnih progah hidroelektrarne Krško in termoelektrarne Brestanica, za kateri smo po skeniranju iz oblaka točk ekstrahirali zgornjo in stransko notranjo ploskev glave tirnic. Posamezno žerjavno progo smo razdelili na segmente, skozi katere smo izravnali ravnine in določili karakteristične linije tirnic. Na osnovi profilov smo med karakterističnima točkama na istem profilu določili položajne in višinske odmike tirnic, dejanski razpon in višinsko razliko med tirnicama žerjavne proge in preverili, ali so izračunani parametri geometrije skladni s predpisi, ki jih določa obravnavan standard. V nalogi smo tudi raziskali, kako se parametri geometrije tirnic, ki so določeni z metodo terestričnega laserskega skeniranja, ujemajo s parametri, določenimi s klasično polarno metodo detajlne izmere. Prav tako smo tudi testirali, kako na določitev parametrov vpliva dolžina segmenta in gostota točk tirnic. Na osnovi ugotovitev, do katerih smo prišli med izdelavo naloge, smo podali določene smernice za kakovostno določitev geometrije tirnic žerjavne proge s tehnologijo terestričnega laserskega skeniranja.

Keywords:žerjavna proga, tirnica, terestrično lasersko skeniranje, razpon, višinska razlika, odmik
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-81735 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7470689 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.05.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Control measurements of crane rails using terrestrial laser scanning
The master's thesis presents a new method for crane rail geometry determination, i. e. based on measurements obtained by using a terrestrial laser scanner and a dedicated computer programme which, on the basis of the rail points cloud, determines the horizontal and vertical path of the crane rail. The method was tested on the crane rails of Krško Hydroelectric Power Plant and Brestanica Thermal Power Plant, where, after scanning the point cloud, the upper and the lateral internal surface of railheads was derived. Each crane rail was divided into segments, through which the planes were fitted and the characteristic rail lines were determined. Based on the profiles, positional and height rail offsets were determined between the characteristic points on the same profile, as well as the actual span and the height difference between the crane rails. Furthermore, it was verified whether the calculated geometry parameters complied with the rules set by the standard in question. The thesis also examined how the rail geometry parameters – as determined by the terrestrial laser scanning method – correspond with the parameters determined by the classical polar method of surveying. Furthermore, it was tested how the determination of patterns is influenced by the length of the segment as well as the density of rail points. Based on the conclusions drawn during the elaboration of this thesis, certain guidelines are given on how to ensure the quality of crane rail geometry determination using terrestrial laser scanning technology.

Keywords:crane rail, rail, terrestrial laser scanning, span, height difference, offset

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