
Varnost v oblaku - Pristop s sodobnimi kriptografskimi rešitvami
ID KOSTADINOVSKA, IVANA (Author), ID Trček, Denis (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/cb201ab5-1a5d-47ff-aca9-5e42fe012838

Izraz “računalništvo v oblaku” je zaradi potenciala spremembe trenutne računalniške industrije v središču pozornosti računalničarjev. Žal pa še vedno obstajajo ovire, ki jih je treba razrešiti, saj so v računalništvu, osnovanem v oblakih, varnostni aspekti še vedno osrednji problem. Cilj našega dela je identificirati glavne probleme varnosti v zvezi z računalništvom v oblaku in predstaviti plasti za varne oblake. Naše raziskave se osredotočajo tudi na podatkovne in shrambene varnostne plasti. Ugotovili smo, da zaščita podatkov v oblaku leži v kriptografiji oblaka. Ta magistrska naloga prikaže nove kriptografske tehnike, uporabljene za zaščito in procesiranje zakodiranih podatkov v oddaljeni oblačni shrambi. V nalogi predlagamo kriptografsko shemo, ki uporabi skeniranje prstnega odtisa za preverjanje verodostojnosti uporabnika in AES tehnike 128/192/256 bitnega ključa za šifriranje in dešifriranje uporabnikovih podatkov. AES omogoča večjo podatkovno varnost v primerjavi z drugimi tehnikami šifriranja, kot na primer DES in Blowfish. Našo shemo smo uporabili v aplikaciji DropboxCrypt. DropBoxCrypt je aplikacija za šifriranje in dešifriranje podatkov, razvita za mobilne naprave Android, ki jo lahko uporabljamo za brskanje, pridobivanje in odpiranje šifriranih podatkov, shranjenih v oblačnih shrambah.

Keywords:računalništvo v oblaku, varnost v oblaku, kriptografija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-81582 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.04.2016
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Title:Cloud security - An approach with modern cryptographic solutions
The term “cloud computing” has been in the spotlights of IT specialists due to its potential of transforming computer industry. Unfortunately, there are still some challenges to be resolved and the security aspects in the cloud based computing environment remain at the core of interest. The goal of our work is to identify the main security issues of cloud computing and to present approaches to secure clouds. Our research also focuses on data and storage security layers. As a result, we found out that the protection of cloud data lies in cloud cryptography. Thus, this thesis reviews the new cryptographic techniques used to protect and process encrypted data in a remote cloud storage. In this thesis we are proposing a cryptographic scheme which uses fingerprint scanning for user authentication and AES technique of 128/192/256 bit cipher key for encryption and decryption of user's data. AES provides higher data security compared to other encryption techniques like DES and Blowfish. Our scheme is used in DropBoxCrypt application. DropBoxCrypt is a data encryption-decryption application developed for Android mobile devices which can be used for browsing, exporting and opening encrypted data stored in cloud storage.

Keywords:cloud computing, cloud security, cloud cryptography

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