
Tehniški vidiki izdaje energetske izkaznice
ID JEREB, ROBI (Author), ID Pušnik, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 6AC8F99EC95A89EEBA6F719C0F4C293C
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/d31504ef-6fec-4da5-83f4-b9a7564ed44c

Poraba energije je v današnjem času čedalje bolj pomembna. Z uvedbo energetskih izkaznic lahko vidimo, kako energetsko učinkovita je naša stavba, obenem pa dobimo informacije, kako izboljšati trenutno stanje ter s tem znižati stroške pri porabi energije. Lastniki stavbe so tako seznanjeni, na kakšen način lahko zmanjšajo porabo energije in naredijo svoj dom bolj učinkovit. Namen diplomske naloge je predstaviti energetsko izkaznico ter opisati postopke, s katerimi se srečamo pri njeni izdelavi. Zaradi velikih emisij toplogrednih plinov se je Evropska unija odločila, da uredi tudi področje energetske učinkovitosti stavb. Na začetku naloge sem opisal, kako se je to področje začelo urejati v Sloveniji ter kakšni projekti so se začeli izvajati. Na kratko sem opisal tudi pravilnik o učinkoviti rabi energije v stavbah PURES 2010. Poznamo računsko in merjeno energetsko izkaznico, ki sem ju opisal v nadaljevanju diplomske naloge. Predstavil sem tudi, kakšno je bilo stanje v drugih državah v času, ko je Slovenija začela delati na področju energetskih izkaznic. Osrednji del naloge je namenjen obrazložitvi pravilnikov, ki so nam v pomoč pri izdelavi izkaznice. Opisano je tudi, kako poteka usposabljanje in pridobivanje licenc za strokovnjake za izdelavo energetskih izkaznic. V zadnjem delu sem predstavil trenutno stanje na področju energetskih izkaznic v Sloveniji ter svoj pogled na področje učinkovite rabe energije.

Keywords:energetska izkaznica, energija, PURES, pridobitev energetske izkaznice
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-81554 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.04.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Technical aspects of the issue of energy performance certificates
The use of energy is of growing importance in today's society. With energy performance certificates it can be estimated how energy efficient building is – moreover information on how the existing energy consumption can be managed is also available. The owners of real estate are therefore informed on how to lower energy consumption and thus make their homes more efficient. The aim of the thesis is to present energy performance certificates and describe the procedures necessary for its acquirement. Because of great green house emissions the European Union decided to manage the field of energy efficiency of houses. At the beginning of the thesis I described how the field began to form in Slovenia and how these projects started. I also summarised the gazette of the efficiency in buildings PURES 2010. In the second part of the thesis I described energy performance certificates based on measurements and calculations. I also presented the state of the art in other countries at the time of energy performance certificates introduction in Slovenia. The main part of the thesis is delegated to explanation of official gazettes that help us obtain the certificate. Moreover I also described the training and procurement of licenses for experts for energy performance certificate acquisition. In the last part I presented state of the art on the field of energy performance certificate in Slovenia supplemented with my opinion on energy use.

Keywords:energy performance certificate, energy, PURES, energy performance certificate acquisition

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